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Branches of Law.

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1 Branches of Law

2 Revision 1. How can we define law?
2. What are the main functions of law? 3. What is the purpose of law?

3 Law and the State Laws apply to a defined geographical area usually corresponding to the territorial limits of a State. A State is a territorial division in which a community of people lives subject to a uniform system of law administered by a sovereign authority, e.g. a parliament.

4 The United Kingdom The United Kingdom, comprising England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, is a state. Unitary state, parliamentary monarchy There is not a single legal system in the UK. English law and the English legal system apply in England and Wales. The law and legal system of Scotland are different from those of England and Wales; to some extent, the same is true of Northern Ireland. The legal system of Scotland has been considerably influenced by Roman law.

5 Match the words with their definitions:
1.breach A punishment for an act which goes against what is generally accepted behaviour 2.claim General agreement 3. consensus The place in which a case is being heard 4. dispute Property which is received by someone from a person who has died 5. enforcement Things that are owned by someone 6. forum An assertion of a legal right 7. inheritance Failure to obey the law 8. property The power to force someone to comply with the law 9. sanction A disagreement or argument between parties

6 The tale of King Rex Read The tale of King Rex (p. 16) and anwer the following questions: How does Fuller define a legal system? What does a legal system have to conform to? What does “inner morality of law” consist of? What are the eight essential principles of law according to Fuller?

7 Match the term with its definition:
1. coercion Agreement, harmony, conformity, or correspondence 2. compliance To find that someone is guilty of a crime 3. congruence The use of force to make someone do something 4. convict To make a law 5. enact Conforming to a rule 6. grounds Putting a law into effect by public announcement 7. jurisprudence To bring someone to court to answer a criminal charge 8. promulgation An Act of Parliament 9. prosecute The study of the law and legal theory 10. statute Basic reasons

8 Classsification of Law
Branches of Law Classsification of Law

9 Classification of law Law can be classified by
1. the type (the matters that the law is regulating) 2. the source from which it comes

10 Substantive and procedural law
Substantive law is the body of rules of law which regulate the rights, duties and liabilities among citizens and governments. Procedural law lays down the rules governing the manner in which a right is enforced under civil law, or a crime is prosecuted under criminal law. Substantive law – materijalno pravo Procedural law – postupovno (procesno) pravo

11 National and international law
Internal (domestic, national) law – the law of a state regulating its domestic affairs; law which applies within a state. International law – A body of rules that regulates relations between states (public internatinal law) and rights and duties of individuals in their relations to foreign states and with each other (private international law) Internal law – unutarnje pravo

12 Public and private law Public law – the area of law in which the state has a direct interest (administrative law, constitutional law, revenue law, criminal law) Private law is concerned with disputes between private individuals or businesses. Constitutional law – ustavno pravo Administrative law – upravno pravo Revenue law – financijsko pravo

13 Public law Administrative law – the body of law which deals with the powers of the executive organs of the state Constitutional law – the area of law that deals with the interpretation and construction of constitutions Revenue law – the area of law concerned with income and taxes

14 Criminal and civil law Criminal law – a branch of law concerned with behaviour that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole: the state (prosecutor) takes legal action against the wrong-doer in the name of society Civil law – a branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals The injured party (plaintiff or claimant) takes legal action Claimant – tužitelj u građanskoj parnici

15 Subcategories of private (civil) law
Law of contract Law of torts Law of property Family law Law of succession Company law Employment law Patents and copyrights Try to find Croatian equivalents for these subcategories!

16 Law of contract – ugovorno pravo
Law of torts – odštetno pravo Law of property – stvarno pravo, imovinsko pravo Family law – obiteljsko pravo Law of succession – pravo nasljeđivanja Company law – pravo društava Employment law – radno i službeničko pravo Patents and copyrights – patentno i autorsko pravo

17 Match the branch of law and the matter it regulates:
Law of contract family matters, such as marriage, divorce and custody of the children Law of torts Formation of companies and formal rules for running companies Administrative law income and taxes Constitutional law disputes between individuals Revenue law the powers of the executive organs of the state Criminal law the interpretation and construction of constitutions Civil law behaviour that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole Family law contracts and their legal consequences Company law Civil wrongs, such as nuisance or negligence

18 Public or private? Law of contract Law of torts Administrative law
Law of property Revenue law Company law Civil law Family law Criminal law Constitutional law

19 Translate the following paragraph:
Civil law regulates relations between private persons or bodies. It is usually invoked only by the parties seeking to protect their private rights or interests. By contrast, a criminal offence is a wrong against the community. While the State has no interest in pursuing your civil claim, if you are a victim of a crime, such as theft, the State may prosecute the offender, whether or not you wish to take action against him. The aim of taking a criminal case to court is to punish the wrongdoer.

20 Civil cases Most civil cases are settled out of court.
If the claimant sues the defendant the case is heard before a single judge who decides on fact and law in a civil court. If the judge finds the civil case proven, they enter judgment for the claimant.  They may make an order, e.g. an award of damages, against the defendant. If the judge does not find the case proven, they enter judgment for the defendant.

21 Criminal cases The prosecutor prosecutes the defendant, or the accused, in a criminal court. Criminal cases are heard without a trial if the defendant pleads guilty.  If the accused pleads not guilty, the case goes to trial. In common law countries, the jury decides issues of fact and passes the verdict: guilty or not guilty. The judge rules on points of law and passes a sentence on the defendant, e.g. a fine or a term of imprisonment. If the judge and the jury find the case is not proven, they acquit the defendant.

22 Translate the following phrases:
to settle a case out of court to sue the defendant/to prosecute the defandant to decide on fact and law in a civil court to enter judgment for the claimant   to award damages to plead guilty/not guilty to pass a sentence a fine or a term of imprisonment to hear a case to acquit the defendant

23 Thank you for your attention!

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