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Turn & Talk… What is an Artifact? You have 2 minutes!

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Presentation on theme: "Turn & Talk… What is an Artifact? You have 2 minutes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn & Talk… What is an Artifact? You have 2 minutes!
Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

2 (examples: bones, hair)
Fossil vs. Artifact Artifact: an object that was made by someone from long ago (examples: clothes, pottery, jewelry) Fossil: the remains of something that was once alive (examples: bones, hair) Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

3 Archaeology: The study of fossils and • artifacts.
What is archaeology? Archaeology: The study of fossils and artifacts. Archaeologist: A person who studies fossils and artifacts. Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

4 Scenario: Suppose you were one of the archaeologists called to the scene in 1991 regarding the discovery of the Ice Man.  As an archeologist, what can you tell about the person you found, from the artifacts you found?

5 Unfinished Bow, Quiver & Arrows
182cm long bow Quiver had 2 arrows ready to use and 12 partly completed shafts Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

6 Copper Axe Skin binding copper blade to yew handle. Only prehistoric axe ever found intact. Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

7 Dagger with scabbard Ash wood handle, bound with animal sinew along with a flint blade. Scabbard made of grass cord and leather strap. Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

8 Retoucher Like a stubby pencil. An antler set into wooden handle.
Used to sharpen flint tools. Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

9 Birch fungi Antibiotic – a traveling medical kit?
Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

10 Click here to watch the documentary!
Ice Man Video Now we will watch presentation about Otzi! Let’s learn about him! Click here to watch the documentary! Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

11 Ötzi the Iceman while still frozen in the glacier, photographed by Helmut Simon upon the discovery of the body in September 1991

12 Another early photograph of the body before its removal from the ice.

13 Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

14 Reconstruction of the Iceman

15 Answer the 1 of the 3 Questions on your exit ticket…..
What can we tell about Otzi’s civilization? Why was the discovery of Otzi such an important/amazing find? How do the artifacts help us discover about life during his time? Essential Question: Can we learn important information about a civilization through artifacts?

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