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Read-Around REVIEW: log

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Presentation on theme: "Read-Around REVIEW: log"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read-Around REVIEW: log
word, idea, reason, speech

2 What is the root that means word, idea, reason, or speech?

3 the root log

4 What is the word that identifies a word, image, icon, or trademark that corresponds to a company or brand for easy recognition?

5 logo a word, name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy recognition

6 What is the word that means the same thing as a conversation between two or more people?

7 dialog a conversation between two or more people; words shared between people

8 What is the word that means a long speech made by one person?

9 monologue a long speech made by one person; a continuous series of jokes delivered by a comedian

10 What is the word that describes something that is reasonable and makes sense?

11 logical a statement, thought, or action that is reasonable; words that make sense

12 What is the word that identifies a speech of kind remembrance for a person who has passed away?

13 eulogy kind words spoken about a person who has passed away; high praise

14 What is the word that describes an item that contains records, such as a ship’s destination and course?

15 logbook an official record; a book in which information is written in timely manner

16 What is the word that names the introductory chapter of a book?

17 prologue introduction; preface; an introductory chapter at the beginning of a book or play

18 What is the word that compares words or ideas to see how they are similar?

19 analogy words that draw comparison and similarities

20 What is the word that identifies what you are offering if you say, “I’m sorry”?

21 apology words expressing regret; words asking to be excused for an action

22 What is the word that identifies a short section added to the end of the book that usually tells what happened later?

23 epilogue a short section added to end of a book; a short poem or speech directly to the audience at the end of a play

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