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WIT Community Review 2016 20 slides, approx 20 mins talking.

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1 WIT Community Review 2016 20 slides, approx 20 mins talking.

2 Morning! Help yourself to a croissant!
Welcome to the 2016 CERN Women in Technology Community review! Contact the community at

3 WIT Community Overview 2016 Review 2017 Suggestions Moving Forwards
Agenda WIT Community Overview 2016 Review 2017 Suggestions Moving Forwards

4 1. WIT Community Overview

5 2016 at a glance Jan March Aug Nov Feb July Oct
IT Dep Meeting March First Meeting Aug Began Lunches Nov Began WIT Talks Feb Django Girls July Summer Student BBQ Oct CHEP Ending last year we had good feedback from the activities, supportive from different CERN groups. Are seeing that this group is topical and wanted.

6 Indico E-Group IT Twiki Resources wit-matters 57 members Event listing
Community description WIT Talk plans Emphasise that we welcome members and event ideas from all departments

7 IT Department funding and event invitations
CERN Support IT Department funding and event invitations Openlab funding and event invitations Diversity Office funding and external community liaison HR WIT Talk Support and network growth

8 External WIT Communities
With whom are we in contact? Wider HEP community through CHEP Google HP Oracle ITU (the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies) Mention that are willing to meet up.

9 Many thanks for completing the survey!
2. 2016 Review Many thanks for completing the survey!

10 Which 2016 events did we really enjoy?
4.8 WIT Talk with Maite 4.5 Drinks 4.3 Lunches 4.3 WIT Talk with Google 4.2 Summer Student BBQ Average score out of 5 We had 23 responses though people only responded to the events they had attended so take the statistics with a pinch of salt  Drinks event happened, not as successful as could be so new strategy to go through organisational contacts instead of social media to get correct people

11 Many thanks for completing the survey!
3. 2017 Suggestions Many thanks for completing the survey! Should be about 30 minutes

12 Which events do we want in 2017?
4.5 Communication Workshop 4.3 Technical Workshops 3.8 Quarterly Meetings 3.7 Practical Workshops 3.7 Film Screenings Average score out of 5

13 2017 Event Suggestions Aim to have a mix of recurring and one-off events. What do you want to see?
Monthly 2 x Lunch Drinks WIT Talk Quarterly Workshop Steering Committee Meeting Annual Summer Student Lunch Community Review Ad Hoc Film Screenings External WIT Events Conference Meetups Diversity discussions with mixed gender If we have ideas that need funding or extra support, we have buy-in from the relevant people to make it happen.

14 Do you have a skill you want to share? All ideas encouraged!

15 4. Moving Forwards

16 WIT Community Objectives
Build a Support Network Professional Development; Share Experiences, Learn and Inspire Address Diversity Issues Examples of events in each category: Support network: drinks, lunches, self development workshops, WIT Talks Professional development: Self development workshop, WIT Talks Diversity issues: WIT Talks, Conference Code of Conduct, Gender Equality Plan, Film Screenings Your responses fell into 3 broad categories

17 How can we keep WIT alive?
We know the turnover at CERN is high – how can we create and build a community that continues to grow?

18 Steering Committee WIT is a grassroots community, ideas should always be welcome from every single member (!), but having a SC to help realise those ideas will ensure longevity. Duties Participate in quarterly and ad hoc SC meetings Organize yearly WIT Community Review Support logistics and preparation for a share of WIT Events Grow the network within and beyond CERN through events, posters, online presence Suggest a replacement when you have to leave 

19 Practical meaning of “duties”
Set up the event calendar Divide work and responsibilities among ourselves Take care of event logistics and preparations (rooms, dates, material) Always have someone attending the lunch Pick up ideas, brainstorm, reach out Make a difference Grow your network Mention that it wasn’t just us, we’ve had a lot of help from other people.

20 If anyone objects, please raise your hand.
Nominations Hannah Short Sima Baymani Maria Alandes Aniko Rakai Can we accept all of these persons collectively as the 2017 steering committee? If anyone objects, please raise your hand. Maybe even do the objections with eyes closed

21 2016 was our pilot year, let’s see what 2017 brings!

22 Many thanks for your enthusiasm and engagement during 2016!

23 CREDITS Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Death to the Stock Photo (license)

24 Extra slides if needed

25 How can we link with other women’s groups at CERN? Are we google-able?
Discoverability How can we link with other women’s groups at CERN? Are we google-able? Are our events happening at the right times and in the right places to include everybody?

26 WIT Mission Statement Now we have a better idea of what we are about, should we create a mission statement?

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