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Induction Session for Higher Degree By Research Supervisors- 20/07/17

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1 Induction Session for Higher Degree By Research Supervisors- 20/07/17
Abhishek Kumar Singh President Postgraduate Student Committee

2 PSC Composition President Vice-president (Research)
Vice-president (Coursework) Secretary Faculty Representatives PSC Councillors

3 PSC Explained Prime representative body of postgraduate students at Curtin University (12 years old) Aims to provide the best postgraduate and research experience at Curtin Student Guild Activities aimed at improving and promoting academic and research excellence Financial awards and grants to showcase research and academic talent both domestically and internationally Representation at various top university committee's both at the university and faculty level Member of Council of Australian Postgraduate Association (CAPA)

4 PSC Activities Postgraduate Open Door Society (PODS)
Research communication workshops Quiz night and social get together Social Sports Training on writing research papers Postgraduate Awards Night Movie nights O-day participation CAPA Annual Conference

5 Common issues with Supervisors
Supervisor/student conflict- international students Adequate supervisory support Assessment appeals and academic misconduct PREVENT ALL OF THE ABOVE ESTABLISH EXPECTATIONS EARLY

6 Snapshots Postgraduate Student Committee

7 For the Postgraduate By the Postgraduate Of the Postgraduates

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