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Miss Horgan’s Kindergarten Newsletter December

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1 Miss Horgan’s Kindergarten Newsletter December 11-15 2017
Important Our school Christmas carol competition will be on December 21. We have chosen a fun song and the kids are having a fun time practicing. We are asking that on December 21 the children wear Christmas shirts(an ugly Christmas sweater if they have one), jeans, sweatpants or leggings, a hat (Christmas hat, winter hat or baseball cap) and sunglasses. Thanks so much for your help! Reminders Now that colder weather is here, please make sure your child wears a jacket or something warm to school. We go outside everyday! Practice with your child how to zipper/button their jacket, put on gloves and hat. PLEASE DO NOT PARK OR DROP OFF YOUR CHILD IN THE BUS ZONE! Please make sure your child is wearing their full winter uniform. Homework Monday- Christmas Pattern worksheet, review sight words. Tuesday- Review sight words. Wednesday- Present counting worksheet Thursday- Read a story with a family member and talk about your favorite part. Review sight words.

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