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Alexia Lozano and Gloria Sustaita August 23,2012 Humanities MCLA Eighth Grade

2 Tezkatlipoka - Self Reflection
Some of the questions we were posed with is who has knowledge,why do certain people strive for knowledge, and who decides what goes in eighth grade books? My research question is What gender do you believe is smarter? I chose this question because girls are always having to deal with discrimination. Girls have to act lady-like .Why can't the boys act like a gentlemen once in a while.

3 Quetzalkoatl - Precious Knowledge - Literature Review
People in Ancient times would think that the brain was an organ that could control thought. Galton believed that intelligence would run in your family. Scientists tried to use pseudoscience to prove that an Englishman was smarter than an African.

4 Quetzalkoatl - Precious Knowledge - Literature Review
Binet was a man that was asked to come up with a method of measuring intelligence He was the man that developed the IQ test. Stereotype threat is making a negative stereotype about a group of people ,therefore makes them self relevant Lastly today's smartness looks like we are just taking test. TESTS!TESTS!TESTS!

5 Huiztlilopochtli – The Will to Act
My research question was what gender do you believe is smarter? I interviewed 6 different people. I interviewed four females and two males. Three girls and 1 boy said that girls are smarter than boys and 1 female and 1 male say that everyone is equal.

6 Xipe Totek – Transformation
My results can definitely make a change. Males and females do believe that girls are smarter than boys. Does it mean it's true though? For now my results have taught me that nobody is smart or dumb. Nobody can tell you that you can't do a certain thing because you are not smart enough.

7 Works Cited Hatt, Beth. "Smartness as a Cultural Practice in Schools." American Education Research Journal (2012): 438. Print . Mullick, Nirvan, , dir. Caine's Arcade. Film. 17 Aug <http//: Wanjek, Christopher. Bad Medicine: Misconceptions and Misuses. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, inc., Print.


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