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Who is Smarter a Girl or Boy?

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1 Who is Smarter a Girl or Boy?
LINDSEY GAUSSOIN Mr. Medina MCLA 8th Grade Who is Smarter a Girl or Boy?

2 Tezkatlipoka- Self Reflection
What knowledge is important? Why do people strive for knowledge? Who defines it? Who does it benefit? Who is smarter a girl or a boy? … because I wanted if young students would stereotype that boys are smarter than girls Tezkatlipoka- Self Reflection

3 Quetzalkotal- Precious Knowledge
In ancient times people believed brain was a radiator that cooled the blood Galton believed smartness runs the family Scientists tried to prove that a certain race was smarter Binet was a scientist that created the I.Q test Stereotype threat was when people over simplified an idea of a certain type of person Today’s smartness is based on test scores Quetzalkotal- Precious Knowledge

4 Huiltizlipochtli- The Will To Act
Who is smarter a girl or a boy? I survey five children and two adults My results were that the students would pick their gender so they would be smarter in my survey and the adults wouldn’t Huiltizlipochtli- The Will To Act

5 Survey do you think a girl is smarter than a boy? Yes:1F.S 1F.S
No:1M.S 1M.S 1M.A Maybe:1F.S 1F.A Do think a boy is smarter than a girl? Yes:1M.A 1M.S 1M.S No:1F.S 1F.A 1F.S 1F.S Maybe: Do you think a homeless man is smarter than a rich women? Yes:1M.S 1F.A No:1F.S 1F.S Maybe:1M.A 1F.S 1M.S Do you think a girl with glasses is smarter than a guy without glasses? Yes:1F.S 1F.S 1F.S 1M.S No;1M.A 1F.A Maybe:1M.S F.S=FEMALE STUDENT M.S= MALE STUDENT F.A= FEMALE AULDT M.A=MALE AULDT Survey

6 Xipe Totek- Transformation
After analyzing my findings I able to see that students would pick especially so their gender would be smarter in my survey But the adults would either pick no or maybe in my survey Xipe Totek- Transformation

7 Hatt, Beth. "Smartness as a Cultural Practice in Schools
Hatt, Beth. "Smartness as a Cultural Practice in Schools." American Education Research Journal (2012): 438. Print. Mullick, Nirvan, , dir. Caine's Arcade. Film. 17 Aug <http//: Wanjek, Christopher. Bad Medicine: Misconceptions and Misuses. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, inc., Print. Work Cited

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