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x8 1.5hr weekly sessions with HT

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1 x8 1.5hr weekly sessions with HT
Women’s Health Academic Centre Improvements to biomarkers associated with the metabolic syndrome in obese pregnant: results from the UK Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity Trial (UPBEAT) pilot R Maitland1, A Briley2, P Seed1, N Sattar3, S Barr1 and L Poston1 on behalf of the UPBEAT trial consortium 4. Results 1. Background Total sample n=117 Intervention n=57 Control n=58 Women with GDM n=29 Women with NGT n=77 Incomplete OGTT data n=11 The UPBEAT pilot study reported significant macronutrient dietary changes in the intervention arm (reduction in saturated fat intake and glycaemic load) in obese pregnant (OP) women at 28 weeks’ (Poston et a 2013) Comparable intervention studies of OP women have thus far not reported consistent reductions in biomarkers associated with insulin resistance and GDM (Vinter, 2014) Data is presented for 16 biomarkers, measured in the UPBEAT pilot study which reflect a range of inflammatory pathways, adipose tissue function, hepatic fat accumulation and vascular dysfunction (Savvidou 2010, Ferreira 2011 & Lacroix 2013) BMI 36.0[4.76]kg/m2, age 30.8[5.4]yr, 61.5% Caucasian and 34.2% Black At weeks’ (post intervention) No differences observed between the two arms At weeks’ significant reductions in the intervention arm for: Cholesterol (5.93mmol/l [1.28] v 6.63 [1.21], ratio 0.94 [0.89 to 0.99], p=0.03 6% reduction [95% CI -11 to -1%] LDL (2.90mmol/l [1.58] v 3.65 [1.33], ratio 0.89 [0.81 to 0.98], p=0.02 11% reduction [95%CI to -2.15] Visfatin (4.89ng/l [1.38] v 5.15 [1.52], ratio 0.85 [ ], p=0.02 2. Aim To examine the effect of a complex lifestyle intervention in OP women on a panel of 16 biomarkers associated with the development of GDM a) UPBEAT is a multi centre RCT of a complex intervention of physical activity and dietary change designed to improve glucose tolerance in obese women (BMI≥30kg/m2) Primary outcome GDM (IADPSG 2010 guidelines) 3. Methods 1st Maternal demography, history & dietary recall 2nd 1 wk later Randomisation, blood/urine sample, dietary recall, anthropometry 3rd Post intervention All OGTT, blood/urine collection, dietary recall, anthropometry 4th 1 wk later Dietary recall & food questionnaire 5th Dietary recall & lifestyle questionnaire, blood/urine sample 6th 1 wk later Dietary recall, food questionnaire, anthropometry Intervention x8 1.5hr weekly sessions with HT Pedometer & log book exercise DVD participant handbook SMART goals Dietary exchanges Low GI/GL diet, <free sugar & SFA b) Figure 1. Flow of participants through UPBEAT Figure 2. The UPBEAT intervention c) Insulin (mU/l) Fructosamine (umol/l) Cholesterol (mmol/l) ALT (U/L) Triglycerides (mmol/l) AST (U/L) HDL (mmol/l) Ferritin (ng/ml) LDL (mmol/l) Adiponectin (μg/ml) VLDL (mmol/l) tPA (ng/ml) Cholesterol:HDL IL-6 (pg/ml) LDL:HDL Leptin (pg/ml) CRP (mg/l) Visfatin (ng/ml) 117 OP subjects randomised to an 8 week intervention at 3 UK centres Blood samples were obtained at randomisation, weeks’ [fasted, post 75g OGTT] & weeks’ Control subjects followed standard antenatal care Treatment effects were estimated using multiple regression, with adjustment for baseline measurements Data are presented as geometric mean (SD) and ratio of GM (95% CI) Figure 4. Longitudinal changes in plasma concentration of a) cholesterol b) LDL and c) visfatin by randomisation. Error bars represent geometric mean±SEM on the log scale Figure 3. Panel of biomarkers measured 5. Summary In this pilot study of 117 obese pregnant women, these results suggest lifestyle interventions in high-risk women may reduce metabolic risk. Validation will be undertaken in the whole trial cohort (n=1555 women), due to report shortly. Funded by an NIHR programme RP-PG Chief Scientist Office Scotland

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