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The Cardiovascular System

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1 The Cardiovascular System
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3 Role of the Cardiovascular System
Provides the force and channels for distribution of blood. Blood carries nutrients and O2(g) to our body tissues and removes wastes such as CO2 (g).

4 Circulation “The Double Pump”
Blood passes through the heart twice each time it completes a circuit. Right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from body tissues and pumps it to the lungs. Left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to all body tissues.

5 The Heart Made up of specialized muscle tissue called cardiac muscle.
Cardiac muscles are involuntary and electrical signals pass easily from cell to cell allowing the muscle cells to beat as a single unit.



8 Path of a Red Blood Cell

9 Blood Vessels Arteries Veins Capillaries

10 Arteries, Veins and Capillaries


12 Cardiac Cycle Cycle includes a phase of contraction (systole) where the heart contracts and expels blood and a phase of relaxation (diastole) in which the heart fills with blood. Blood pressure measures a person’s systolic pressure over their diastolic pressure (120/80 mmHg).

13 Task Read Chapter 7 (pgs 109 – 116, 118 – 119)
2. Diagram of the heart. 3. Plasticized heart (identify structures). 4. Cardiovascular system questions.

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