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Age expected summary Rec Summer 2017 Pupil Premium 8 PP pupils

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1 Age expected summary Rec Summer 2017 Pupil Premium 8 PP pupils 47 Non-PP pupils Compared to non-pp Reading 50% 47.4% +2.6% Writing 37.5% 51.1% -11.6% Maths 62.5% 63.3% -0.8% GLD -13.6% 4 out of the 8 chn not attaining in reading had extra sessions with both the teachers and student teachers. Two chn are a safe guarding concern. Of the 5 chn who did not attain age expected in writing all had intervention group work. 3 out of the 5 also accessed the holiday club and breakfast club provision. 3 of the chn worked with Mrs Carvell either in a group (Hope) or 1:1 for emotional support. The 3 chn not attaining maths are the same group as above.

2 Age expected summary Year 1 Summer 2017 Pupil Premium 14 PP pupils 45 Non PP pupils Compared to non-pp Reading 42.9% 51.1% -8.2% Writing 33.3% +9.6% Maths 50% 44.4% +5.6% GLD 31.1% +11.8% 8 out of the 14 chn not meeting age expected in reading Of those, 3 chn are SEN, 1 was new to the country and 1 EAL with poor attendance. The other 3 chn have all had extra support sessions with class staff and group work with Mrs Carvell. 2 of these children are already showing accelerated progress in year 2. 8/14 chn attended holiday club and 7/14 breakfast club.

3 70% 77.5% -7.5% 75% -5% 80% 72.5% -2.5% Age expected summary
Year 2 Summer 2017 Pupil Premium 20 PP pupils Non-pp 40 pupils Compared to non-pp Reading 70% 77.5% -7.5% Writing 75% -5% Maths 80% GLD 72.5% -2.5% Of the 20 pupils 6 children did not reach age expected in reading and writing and 5 children did not achieve the maths. This was despite many intervention group work and 1;1 support. 5 of these chn were SEN, 1 child only started school in year 2 and spoke no English on her arrival. All chn made progress through their individual learning plans. 4 of these children attending the holiday club provision and breakfast club. 12 of the 20 children took advantage of breakfast club and holiday club provision during the year.

4 Pupil premium groups 2017/2018 Year 2 Reading Writing Maths 13 pupils 6 below age expected Reading club. Reading inference group. Extra 1:1 reading in class 7 below age expected Intervention group. Sentence work Phonic boostX2 1:1 work 5 below age expected. Intervention groups Power maths X2 1:1 work Children achieving expected at the end of Reception remain on track to achieve at the end of year 2. At present x1 girl in AB class slightly behind in her writing but the teacher is confident accelerated progress is possible, support in place. Pupil premium groups 2017/2018 Year 1 Reading Writing Maths 10 pupils 6 below age expected Phonic intervention groups. Reading inference group. Extra 1:1 reading in class 5 below age expected Intervention group. Sentence work Phonic boost groups Breakthrough to writing 4 below age expected. Intervention groups number recognition and calculating Power maths 1 child 1:1 work Children achieving expected at the end of Reception remain on track to achieve at the end of year 1. At present x 2 boys are slightly behind in reading but extra support groups have been put in place.

5 31 pupil premium children in the school as of October 31st 2017.
Pupil premium groups 2017/2018 Rec Reading Writing Maths 8 pupils currently 4 below age expected Speaking and listening intervention groups Formal teaching sessions now started, monitor in 3 weeks 6 below age expected. Adult focussed maths sessions and weekly adult focus. Monitor in 3 weeks. These are currently the children we know are free school meals. Official number not available at this time. 31 pupil premium children in the school as of October 31st 2017. Percentage overall PP at expected Reading- 48.4% Writing % Maths % Non-PP Reading % Writing- 50% Maths- 50%

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