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Kitchen Equipment Most Commercial Kitchen Equipment is expensive Most is used daily if not several times a day Most is critical to your operation , making.

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Presentation on theme: "Kitchen Equipment Most Commercial Kitchen Equipment is expensive Most is used daily if not several times a day Most is critical to your operation , making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitchen Equipment Most Commercial Kitchen Equipment is expensive Most is used daily if not several times a day Most is critical to your operation , making it possible to feed your clients quickly and efficiently saving thousands in labor dollars

2 What do we expect from our equipment
To work as designed Easy to operate To be safe Not be overly complicated To be reliable

3 Equipment Reliability
This is the one thing you control after the purchase.

4 How You can increase Kitchen Equipment Reliability
Insuring that the equipment is cleaned daily Performing all “End User "suggested maintenance Contracting a professional to perform routine maintenance

5 Why is “Planned Maintenance” so important ?
What is the one thing we wish to avoid ? Equipment Failure How do we avoid Equipment Failure by controlling the environment our equipment operates in What comes to mind when our Equipment brakes ?

6 Kitchen Equipment repairs
What comes to mind when we think about Kitchen Equipment repair vendors HOW QUICKLY CAN SOMEONE GET HERE !!!!

7 Kitchen Equipment Repairs
What comes to mind when we think about Kitchen Equipment repair vendors Will the Repair person be able to fix it on the first trip ?

8 Kitchen Equipment Repairs
What comes to mind when we think about Kitchen Equipment repair vendors What is this going to cost ???

9 Service Call Drivers Abuse
A large number of service events that are due to improper use or operator error Cleanliness Many service events can be avoided by simple cleaning Environment The conditions expected for equipment to perform in is unobtainable

10 Kitchen Planned Maintenance
What do I gain from a comprehensive planned maintenance program? What pieces of equipment benefit from a planned maintenance program? When should the maintenance program be implemented? How do I measure my return on investment?

11 A comprehensive maintenance plan provides
Assurance that all worn parts are regularly checked and or replaced before imminent failure of the equipment Assurance that any practices that may be causing undue wear and tear can be identified early before an expensive repair is needed A clean environment for the equipment to operate in preventing nuisance service events

12 What Pieces of Equipment should be on a Maintenance Plan
Anything that uses water All refrigeration Equipment Anything that prevents you from serving your client

13 When should the maintenance be performed
During the warranty Period Almost all Warranties exclude water quality conditions, normal wearable parts and issues caused by cleanliness Implement your planned maintenance program upon installation of the product , first service should be 3-6 months post installation

14 How do I measure the success of the maintenance program
Your success of the program can be measured by the number of unscheduled service calls. The ease of operation of the equipment and its reliability Lesser utility bills relative to your volume.

15 Water dependent equipment that must be maintained
Water Filters / RO Systems Dish Machines / Booster Heaters Steamers Combination Ovens

16 Water Filters/ RO Systems are used to remove impurities in the water and prevent build up of scale

17 Water Filters/ RO Systems used to remove impurities Most filters incorporate some type of median to filter out the debris.

18 Water filter systems require routine service to perform as designed
Water filter systems require routine service to perform as designed. Replacement components such as scale inhibitors , cartridges and the filter itself

19 Dish Machine / Booster Heater maintenance

20 Dish Machine / Booster Heater
Warewashing equipment uses chemicals to clean and sanitize dishes . In addition , water is heated very quickly leaving behind mineral deposits and water impurities.

21 Dish Machine / Booster Heater
The water pressure and temperatures to machines is critical to proper operation and sanitation .

22 Dish Machine / Booster Heater
Many Moving Parts and wear items need checked and adjusted or replaced, also small leaks need repaired to prevent further damage to other components.

23 Dish Machine / Booster Heater
Descaling of the machine is necessary to keep heaters and operating parts clean and working efficiently

24 Dish Machine / Booster Heater
Machines and Booster heaters should be checked monthly. The water quality to the machine changes . Thus requiring adjustment to the chemical feeders to maintain the correct concentration levels of chemical. Chemicals should be adjusted for performance , less is often better.

25 Steamers Steamers are simply converting water into steam
Water condition directly affects your steamer performance Boiler based units are required to be inspected and tagged by the state Water filtration is a must to improve the environment the steamer operates in

26 Steamers The most depended upon piece of equipment in the kitchen
Provides high quality food in a short period of time Operates in the most demanding environment in the kitchen Water is constantly being consumed in the steamer cook process , introducing new water and new impurities into the system at all times Steamers Must be on a planned maintenance program to be reliable

27 Steamers Boiler based steamers produce up to 15 # of pressure per square inch meaning that there is over 180 pounds of pressure per square foot Boiler based units are classified as pressure vessels by the state and need inspected regular Regular inspections are needed to inspect the integrity of the boiler shell , if any part of the boiler is compromised to 50 percent or less . The boiler must be condemned. Wearable parts include Gaskets , Glass washers , Anodes and boiler air vents Descaling of system is a requirement in order to properly inspect systems in most cases

28 Combi Ovens Combi Ovens are likely the largest investment in a single piece of equipment that is made by an organization in their kitchen Giving the end user the ability to Bake, Steam and to Bake/Steam at the same time producing a high quality product yielding little to no shrinkage Combi Ovens have both Generator and non Generator styles for the steam system , each one having its own set of challenges to maintain The environment in which the Combi oven operates in greatly affect the reliability of the piece of equipment

29 Combi Ovens The Combi Oven should be cleaned after each use by the end user The Generator type Combi ovens has provisions for the end user to descale the generator . The frequency is dependent on use and water quality A Service provider should inspect the unit semi-annually looking for leaks that can develop in both the water and cleaning systems , repairing them before they cause a very expensive repair . A comprehensive Clean and Rinse product is utilized for the oven cleanings with built in clean systems , Oven cleanliness greatly affects the product Yields Water filtration is a must to protect this investment

30 Refrigeration Equipment
Refrigeration systems are used daily and are subject to many hidden obstacles in an environment that we simply don’t pay any attention to

31 Refrigeration Equipment
Refrigeration systems Work by removing heat from a self contained area

32 Refrigeration Equipment
This process is dependent on cleanliness of the coils , the coils are the Super Highway in which heat is both absorbed and emitted Evaporator Condenser

33 Refrigeration Equipment
It is necessary to clean coils on a planned maintenance program preventing any preverbal traffic jams on the Super Highway of heat transfer

34 Refrigeration Equipment
In addition to the previous environmental obstacles discussed, items listed below should be checked semiannually to provide reliability Door seals , air entering the box will cause freeze ups Door Heaters , Ice build up causes a slip hazard as well as system strain System charge levels , a trained eye can determine charge levels based on temperature measurements and frosting on an evaporator

35 Refrigeration Equipment /Ice Machines
In addition to the system cleanliness an additional level of cleaning is required on an ice machines Water is ran over a plate ( Evaporator) forming Ice cubes This equipment combines the best of both worlds of Water and Air impurities

36 Ice is food / Outside of machine

37 Ice is Food / inside of machine before cleaning

38 Ice is Food/Inside of Machine after cleaning
Ice Machine cleaning is necessary to keep your clients safe , specialty cleaners are required Never Skip the Ice Machine Sanitation portion of cleaning / Sanitize Bin Cleaning and sanitizing the ice machine is another very important step to provide safe ice. Ice machines should be cleaned and sanitized using the chemical products at least once per month.

39 All Equipment that prevents us from serving our clients
Any piece of Equipment that prevents you from meeting your menu requirements should be on a planned maintenance program. Avoid putting items on a program that 50% of the value of the item will be exceeded by a minimum service event

40 Q and A

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