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CITATIONS RI and DG PP. Dr. Arun S. Chaudhari RC Mumbai West Coast

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1 CITATIONS RI and DG PP. Dr. Arun S. Chaudhari RC Mumbai West Coast
Chief Coordinator Designate


3 Clubs must achieve both of the following goals:
Set at least 10 goals in Rotary Club Central. Pay semiannual dues to RI on time in July and January. RI Citation


Clubs must achieve 2 of the following goals: Achieve a net gain in membership. Small clubs(up to 50 members) must achieve a net gain of at least one member; large clubs (51 or more members) must achieve a net gain of at least two members. Improve the member retention rate by at least 1 percent from last year, or maintain 100 percent retention. Induct new members under the age of 40. Clubs with up to 50 members must induct a minimum of two new members under age 40; clubs with 51 or more members must induct four. The new members must create profiles on My Rotary. RI Citation

6 FOUNDATION GIVING Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals:
Support our Foundation with a contribution of at least $536. Support our Foundation with a contribution of at least $26.50 from each member. Attain at least $2,650 in total giving to PolioPlus in honor of The Rotary Foundation centennial. Attain a minimum Annual Fund contribution of $100 per capita. Attain a five-year high in total club giving to the foundation (combined giving by all members under any designation, with a minimum contribution of $26.50 per member) in honor of the Foundation’s centennial. Increase the total number of Benefactors and Bequest Society members in the club by at least one. RI Citation

7 ONLINE TOOL ADOPTION Clubs must achieve 2 of the following goals:
Have at least 50 percent of members identify their skills and interests in their My Rotary profiles, and unlock that section to make it visible on their public profiles. Post at least one initiative in Rotary Showcase. Post a project in need of assistance in Rotary Ideas or contribute to a project in Rotary Ideas. Have at least two members participate in discussion groups in My Rotary RI Citation

Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals: Sponsor at least one Rotary Community Corps to enhance community engagement and ensure project sustainability. Note: Your club’s RCC must be certified with Rotary International. To ensure your status as an RCC sponsor or co-sponsor is recorded, your club president can check RI’s records in Rotary Club Central Reports, and can contact to report any errors. Ensure that at least one club member belongs to a Board-recognized Rotarian Action Group ( Report in Rotary Club Central. Partner with the Foundation by sponsoring at least one project funded by a global grant or a district grant. Note: Your club can contact your district to verify whether it is registered as a global grant sponsor or is listed as a district grant sponsor in the original spending plan submitted with your district’s district grant application. Have at least one club member attend a grant management seminar. Report in Rotary Club Central. Implement a project with one of Rotary’s service partners. Note: Rotary has several partners that work directly with clubs on projects. See a current list of service partners at partners. Report in Rotary Club Central. Establish a partnership and conduct a project with one or more corporations, government entities, or nongovernmental organizations. Report in Rotary Club Central. Enhance a project’s scope and visibility by partnering with at least five other Rotary clubs in your region. Report in Rotary Club Central. RI Citation

9 NEW GENERATIONS Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals: Currently sponsor or co-sponsor a Rotaract club. Currently sponsor or co-sponsor a communitybased Rotaract club. Currently sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact club. Have at least one club member mentor a Rotaractor or Interactor. Report in Rotary Club Central. Involve Rotaractors or Interactors in club projects and events. Report in Rotary Club Central. Sponsor or host at least one Rotary Youth Exchange student. Report in Rotary Club Central. Sponsor a participant in a RYLA event. Report in Rotary Club Central. RI Citation

10 PUBLIC IMAGE Clubs must achieve 1 of the following goals:
Host an event to inform the community about Rotary and its Foundation’s centennial. Report in Rotary Club Central. Get local media to cover an outstanding club project. Report in Rotary Club Central. Involve local media with at least one club event, project, or fundraiser. Report in Rotary Club Central. RI Citation

11 Report on District Website
DG Citation Aligned with RI Citation Simple Achievable Thrust on District Website- Use, Promotion To make your Rotary work Simple, Report on District Website DG Citation

12 Report everything on District Website
Mandatory To report Club details , Board details and Members details by 15th July on dist website To contribute atleast something to Polio Fund Clubs < $ Clubs> $ Report everything on District Website DG Citation

13 Membership Foundation Giving Club Administration Community service
New generation PR & Leadership Others DG Citation

14 Every additional member above 15% growth add 1 point per member
MEMBERSHIP 100% Retention Growth 15 % Sponsor a new club Every additional member above 15% growth add 1 point per member Bonuses ( Additional) Young < pt Lady member pt Rotary Alumni pt DG Citation

15 FOUNDATION (Giving) Every Rotarian atleast $26.5 05 pts
Min $ 100 per capita TRF contribution pts For every $ 50 per capita addition extra Add to above Arch Klumph Member : $ 250,000       Major Donor Outright Major Donor L1: 10 L2: 20 > 50 K : 40 (stepping)        Bonus : For First time Major Donor - 5 Pts.       100 % PHF Club       EREY Club       Every one donating $ 26.5       New Paul Harris Society Member       15 Club Giving $ 2650       Club Giving $1500 to polio       New Benefactor       New Bequest       DG Citation

16 FOUNDATION (Programs)
TRF programs VTT/GSE per candidate - Selected for interview       Final Selection       05 Ambassadorial / Peace Scholar - Recommended       Selected       10 Global grants Application       Sanction       extra District Grants -Application     Sanctioned     10 On taking up the project (Dist Grant and complying with prescribed requirements before March 31. ,2017   extra DG Citation

17 CLUB ADMINISTRATION Attendance reporting on time 1 pt /pm
All 12 reported extra Club Meeting Attendance > 60 % > 70 % 20 > 80 % 40 Publish Club history Each project reported on website 01 Conduct BOD training 10 If Lead in a group extra Club assemblies (must be attended by AG) min every additional extra DG Citation

18 LEADERSHIP AND PR TRF, Membership, GMS, Leadership seminar 5 per seminar Organize a Workshop/Event Dist level 15 Zonal level 10 Club level 05 PR Hoarding National Paper 10 Local newspaper 05 Club Bulletin All 12 issues 20 6-11 issues 10 < DG Citation

19 Leadership /PR DISCON and DTA RI Convention <30 % attending 05
>60% 100% We look at Absolute figures members + spouses+ Non Rotarians at conference with respect to clubs strength RI Convention Per attendee member or spouse 25 each DG Citation

20 New Rotaract Club, Interact Club, 15 each Host RYE Student
New Generation New Rotaract Club, Interact Club, 15 each Host RYE Student RYLA, RYPEN, MUNA, MIPS 10 each DG Citation

Per activity Jt project with Rotaract/interact/RCC/Senior citizen 02 extra Any form of Public Seminar Starting a permanent facility Expansion of existing facility Participate in all NIDs Any Big/Major project sought of permanent per lac spent over and above DG Citation

Service projects If Lead Club 20 Other clubs 10 Thrust Area (Diab, Railways) per activity per location Pediatric Heart Surgery 15 per surgery Toilets per unit TRF centennial celebration Sponsoring a cup 50 Any activity of TRF celebration per activity per location DG Citation

23 Mid day meals 05 per 25 students Do a project with CSR funds 10
OTHERS Mid day meals per 25 students Do a project with CSR funds 10 Non CSR funding per lac New RCC 15 New Senior Citizen Club 10 Microfinance Conference 15 Microfinance activity any 10 DG Citation

24 AWARDS 3 groups for Citation Top 3 - Cup Next 5 - Trophy
Others to receive Certificates Names of Class/Awards will be declared in DTA We want each club to apply for DG Citation and Get It DG Citation

25 Thank you

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