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Web-Based Instruction

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1 Web-Based Instruction
Strategic Plan Implementation Taskforce

2 Project Overview Goal 2: Demonstrate increased agility in responding to stakeholder needs. Task 3: Expand Web-based instructional options for the students and the community. Liason: Andy Anderson Lead: Vince Miller Members: Angela King, Barry Bailey, Chad Yonker, Deb Elder, Debbie Rulo, Diane Davis, Ed Lovitt, Gretchen Thum, Keith Krieger, Omar Conrad, Rhonda Barlow, Scott Craig, Shannon Ford, Terri Easley, William Koch, Beth Ramirez

3 Project Outcome One Instruction and Continuing Education will develop a distance education growth strategy based on relevant student success, enrollment, and cost data. Expand web-based instruction for students and the community in Credit, Continuing Education, and Professional Development areas. target completion date: June 30, 2015

4 Outcome One Milestones
Inventory credit courses, degrees and certificates; continuing education courses and certifications, and professional development activities currently available for completion with 50/75/100% of existing material online. Do external research and assess data about current/prospective online students. Survey students, colleges, and employers/advisory boards about desired online degrees, certificates, courses, and instructional methods. Research emerging trends and needs in higher education. Recommend development of new online credit courses, degrees, and certificates; continuing education courses and certifications, and professional development activities. Do external research and develop a marketing plan to promote new and existing distance education course, degree, certificate, certification, and professional development opportunities.

5 Project Outcome Two Instruction, Continuing Education, and Administrative Services will address build vs. buy decisions. target completion date: September 30, 2015

6 Outcome Two Milestones
Do external research to develop a gap analysis of products, services, and resource centers needed to support online learning. Determine procedures for making implementation and purchasing decisions.

7 Project Outcome Three Instruction and Continuing Education will expand the use of web-based instructional tools into other platforms and delivery methods. target completion date: December 15, 2015

8 Outcome Three Milestones
Do external research to develop an inventory of additional delivery methods that can leverage web-based instruction. Prioritize and recommend implementation of new and expanded web-based instructional delivery methods and emerging educational technology platforms.

9 Recommendation One Update all future instructional job postings to require or prefer the ability to teach online and stay current with educational technologies. Rationale & Expected Outcomes Instructional job postings should include a requirement or preference to demonstrate both a technical ability to teach online and a willingness to try new educational technologies. New verbiage to be determined by Credit Instruction, Continuing Education, and Human Resources.

10 Recommendation Two Teach more courses online, and offer more fully online degrees and certificates. Rationale & Expected Outcomes We currently have a limited number of online degrees and certificates (see ), and there the threshold is defined as 50% or more online courses (although some can be done almost fully online). We would work with Credit Instruction (deans, faculty), Continuing Education, and Student Success and Engagement to identify addressable capacity/gaps in online course offerings which would expand the number of nearly or fully online degrees and certificates that we can offer.

11 Recommendation Three Design a new virtual/flexible college entity. Rationale & Expected Outcomes Focus on dedicated marketing and logistical support for online/hybrid offerings (Credit and CE) and other alternative educational delivery models. Offer a more streamlined enrollment process, provide embedded virtual academic and student support services, and post course syllabi in advance. See examples at , , , and . We would work with Credit Instruction, Continuing Education, Student Success and Engagement, Marketing Communications, and Information Services to start this planning process.

12 Recommendation Four Offer online courses during a four-week Winterim session in late December/early January. Rationale & Expected Outcomes We currently send students who need winter session credits to colleges such as Iowa Western CC which has an online Winter Term ( ). We should be able to offer online courses to our own students during that period. This would require some instructional and support staff to be available online and via phone during the standard winter break dates. We would work with Credit Instruction, Student Success and Engagement, and Information Services to start this planning process.

13 Surveys initial continuing ed online course offerings survey questions: initial online student feedback survey results:

14 Ideas to Explore Winterim Session Competency-Based/Self-Paced Learning
Blended Instructional Methods for single course (F2F/HYB/ONL) Online Student Services Student Ed Tech Center Open Education Resources International Partnerships Peer Quality Reviews Virtual College

15 Next Steps Continue surveys with students, peer institutions, employers Visit discipline areas about potential online growth Communication with faculty leadership Faculty workload impact discussions Budgeting Software needs Video production Accessibility support Online Web Portal Marketing Online Courses/Degrees

16 Open Forums Open forums/listening sessions for these dates
3/23, 3:00pm-4:00pm, CC 232 3/24, 11:00am-12:00pm, RC 145 3/25, 2:00pm-3:00pm, CC 232 3/26, 3:00pm-4:00pm, CC 232 3/27, 9:30am-10:30am, CC 232

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