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The Big Bang Theory Part I.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Bang Theory Part I."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Bang Theory Part I

2 The Big Bang theory The universe was created ~13.7 Billion years ago.
The universe began as a massive explosion.

3 ~ 3 minutes after big bang
All the matter and energy were condensed into an tiny and extremely dense point.

4 ~ Several hundred thousand years after Big Bang
After the explosion the matter expanded. ATOMS formed (specifically Hydrogen and Helium.) The early Universe was about 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium. It is still almost the same today.

5 ~200 to 400 million years after Big Bang
1st stars and galaxies formed when the dust and the gas collapsed.

6 ~ 4.6 billion years ago Our Solar system formed

7 Today Continuous expansion Galaxies are moving away from each other
The BIG CRUNCH Theory which states that ,one day, the universe will STOP and begin to contract again.

8 Big Bang Timeline – Big Bang – energy Matter protons Neutrons
electrons Atoms Hydrogen Helium Stars and galaxies Our solar system Sun and all planets Earth (present day)

9 what is a Galaxy? It´s an enormous group of stars, planets, gases and dust. It´s a gravitionally bound system.

10 Types of galaxies according to their shape:
Elliptical galaxy Spiral galaxy Barred spiral galaxy Irregular galaxy

11 Our Galaxy: the Milky Way
Almost everything we see in the night sky belongs to the Milky Way. We see the Milky Way as a faint band of light across the sky.

12 The Milky Way It’s part of the Local Group
It’s part of the Virgo Supercluster It’s a barred spiral galaxy We are in the Orion Arm of the galaxy.





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