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Gerald Barry Piano Quartet no 1

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1 Gerald Barry Piano Quartet no 1
Modern Art Music Gerald Barry Piano Quartet no 1

2 Popular & Art Music Social change in the 20th century led to the division in the development of music between the popular and music which continued the developments of the past A division in music had existed between art and folk music and this is reflected in the nationalism of the late 19th century. As people moved further from their homelands this is refected in the music of the time Recording techniques opened up the possibilites further

3 Rhythm and Melody Syncopation Changing time signatures
‘Tyranny of the bar line Fragmented melodies Built on short motifs Atonality Creative use of silence

4 Harmony & Tonality Dissonance more common than consonance
Intervals replacing melodies Major Minor Modal Atonal Polytonal Loose usage of ‘keys’

5 Texture & Timbre Polyphony most common
Unusual ways of playing instruments creating exploring new sounds Recording techniques allowing for new timbres

6 Gerald Barry Born in Co Clare in 1952
Wide repetoire from chamber music to opera Performed worldwide Member of Aosdana

7 Piano Quartet no 1 Commissioned in London in 1992
Scored for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano Standard piano quartet format 18 sections based on traditional Irish airs Abstract music

8 This piano quartet was commissioned by the Institute of Contemporary Arts and first performed in London in 1992. Violin, Viola, Cello and piano used Example of Twentieth century contemporary music

9 Inspirations from traditional Irish melodies:
Sí Bheag Sí Mhór Lord Mayo’s Delight ‘Tis the last Rose of Summer Beidh Aonach Amárach

10 Fuses these melodies with his own individual style, extra notes added and taken away, and original melodies become almost unrecognisable. -Boundaries of music pushed, instruments played in different styles, no tonal centre, no actual form, detailed performing directions.

11 Abstract music – it does not tell a story  -Instrumental line more important than instrumental colour to Barry -Quartet begins and ends with music that is heard only once -Section C is central dominant material, occurs 9 times, yet never exact repetition

12 Piano: Creates contrasting textures with strings Doubles string parts – very often Plays one, or more, voices in canon Introduces dissonance Plays hand/note clusters Solo section – “Hommage Á horowitz”

13 Instrumental techniques
Open strings Hand clusters on piano Harmonics – delicate wispy sound Détaché – detached – separate bow for each note Flautando – bow over the fingerboard

14 Form Quartet – one movement – 18 sections Eight different themes – (4 appear only once) A         B1       C1       C2       B2       C3       D1       D2+D3           E1 C4       C5       E2+D3            C6       C7       F+C8              C9       G         H Unusual form – does not fit any standard form No recapitulation Ends with 3 new sections – F G and H – very unusual Unusual rondo form – because of constant recurrence of C

15 Tonality Mainly atonal Section A (based on Sí bheag sí mhór) is pentatonic – no 7th notes, uses only 4th in final bars B and B1 refer to key of C with a recurring C sharp C1 in A flat

16 Rhythmic Features Over 330 time signature changes  Unusual time signatures – 1/8, 5/8 Complex rhythmic patterns Irregular rhythms and irregular patterns Polymetry – combining different metres simultaneously Metronome marks for tempo changes.

17 Compositional Features
Canon-eg 4 part canon on inversion of “Sí bheag sí mhór” Retrograde-melody played backwards Augmentation-notes values are lengthened, usually doubled eg. C8 Diminution-notes value are shortened eg. B1 notes are halved in B3 Inversion-melody turned upside down eg, “Sí Bheag Si Mhór” in section A Counterpoint-combining 2 themes – polyphonic eg D2 and B3

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