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Melissa Kelly’s ACL Injury Prevention Knowledge For Female Athletes

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1 Melissa Kelly’s ACL Injury Prevention Knowledge For Female Athletes

2 Background ACL – anterior cruciate ligament ACL tear:
Provides stability of the knee joint ACL tear: Damaged from overstretch or twist Most common from change in direction, awkward bending, blow to side of knee, leg planted and knee twists

3 Who is more prone to ACL tear?
Females – “Females are four to six times more likely than boys to suffer a serious non- contact ACL injury” (Horwitz, 2014). Contact sports Sports requiring a lot of pivoting/ cutting Athletes with a strong quad to weak hamstring ratio Athletes who are knock-kneed Sports on turf rather than grass

4 Why Females? Hormones – menstruation cycle
Wider hips – more pressure to the medial side of the knee Causes inward knee alignment and knocked-knees Greater flexibility more prone to unsafe overextended movements Strong quads, weak hamstrings Hormones – menstruation cycle Landing flat footed knee absorbs impact rather than calf muscle

5 Signs and Symptoms Hearing a pop or crack Unstable Swelling Bruising
Pain with ACL based tests performed by trainer or doctor

6 Prevention Strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee Hamstrings
Quads Glutes Focus on an equal balance of muscle strength Jumping and landing Balls of feet, knees not inward

7 Knock- knee prevention
What is it? Squat or land – knees collapse inward Weak hip abductors and glutes Prevention: Frontal plane exercise Lateral band squat walks Step ups Band squats (band slightly above knee) Hip extension

8 Warm Up, Cool Down, Stretch
Dynamic Target all muscle groups to get warm Cool down: Prevents lactate build up Prevents blood pooling in muscles Allows muscles to relax Stretch!!!

9 Key exercises for prevention
Jumping Jump squats (A) Lateral bounds (B) Box jump (C) A B C

10 Single Leg Hip bridge (A) Stability Pad exercises (B) Lunges (C)
Hamstring curls with physio ball (D) Both legs A B C D

11 References Horwitz, S., (2014) ACL Injuries: Female Athletes At Increased Risk. Retrieved from -injuries-in-female-athletes

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