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Semester 1 Vocabulary List and Extra Credit

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1 Semester 1 Vocabulary List and Extra Credit
Directions: Below you will find the vocabulary words from semester one, broken up by chapter. Words and definitions can be found at the end of each chapter or in the glossary. Create flashcards for each of these words with the word on front and the definition on the back. These MUST be handwritten to receive credit. DUE the day we get back from break 10/ 4 /17! Chapter 1: Abiotic, atmosphere, biosphere, biotic, cartography, climate, concentration, connection, conservation, contagious diffusion, cultural ecology, cultural landscape, culture, density, diffusion, distance decay, distribution, ecology, ecosystem, environmental determinism, expansion diffusion, formal region, functional region, geographic information science, geographic information system, global positioning system, globalization, Greenwich Mean Time, hearth, hierarchical diffusion, housing bubble, hydrosphere, International Date Line, latitude, lithosphere, location, longitude, map, map scale, mental map, meridian, network, nonrenewable resource, parallel, pattern, place, polder, possibilism, preservation, Prime Meridian, projection, region, regional studies, remote sensing, renewable resource, resource, scale, site, situation, space, space-time compression, stimulus diffusion, sustainability, toponym, transnational corporation, uneven development, vernacular region Chapter 2: Agricultural density, arithmetic density, census, crude birth rate, crude death rate, demographic transition, demography, dependency ratio, doubling time, ecumene, epidemiologic transition, epidemiology, Industrial Revolution, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, medical revolution, natural increase rate, overpopulation, pandemic, physical density, population pyramid, sex ratio, total fertility rate, zero population growth Chapter 3: Asylum seeker, brain drain, chain migration, circulation, counterurbanization, emigration, floodplain, forced migration, guest worker, immigration, internal migration, internally displaced person, international migration, interregional migration, intervening obstacle, intraregional migration, migration, migration transition, mobility, net migration, pull factor, push factor, quotas, refugees, unauthorized immigrants, voluntary migration Chapter 4: Custom, folk culture, habit, popular culture, taboo, terroir Chapter 5: Creole, Denglish, dialects, Ebonics, extinct language, Franglais, isogloss, isolated language, language, language branch, language family, language group, lingua franca, literary tradition, logogram, official language, pidgin language, received pronunciation, Spanglish, standard language, vulgar Latin Chapter 6: Agnosticism, animism, atheism, autonomous religion, branch, caste, cosmogony, denomination, ethnic religion, fundamentalism, ghetto, hierarchical religion, missionary, monotheism, pagan, pilgrimage, polytheism, sect, solstice, syncretic, universalizing religion Chapter 7: Apartheid, balkanization, balkanized, blockbusting, centripetal force, ethnic cleansing, ethnicity, genocide, nationalism, nationality, race, racism, racist, sharecropper, triangular slave trade

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