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The sella´s descent.

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1 The sella´s descent

2 Index What is the sella´s descent? History Course Photos

3 What is the sella´s descent?
The decrease of Seals in canoe is an enterteining experience that will take to you from Arriondas to Llovio, in Ribadesella's surrounding areas, along fifteen kilometres. The difficulty is minimal. You will be able to go down only in your canoe, in pair or with two accompanists, the case is to spend it very well. Even being the first time, immediately you will get used to piloting your canoe as an adventurer.

4 What is the sella´s descent?
- The Celebration is folk-sport -The Sella´s descents have internacional tourist tourist -His names are Fiesta de la Piragua (Canoe´s celebration) , Fiesta Verde (Green´s celebration) and the sella´s descent too. This Celebration is the first Saturday of August

5 History Everything began when Dionisio de la Huerta, in 1929, arrived at his house of Coya, in Infiesto, to enjoy its summer vacations. When he went to the station of railroad of Barcelona, where he had foreseen to take a train to Madrid, to catch there one to Asturias, he saw a folding canoe in the warehouses El Siglo. Thinking of the easy of its transfer, he found the most appropriate device to take to Coya and after a few days he was already practicing canoeing in the prey of El Molino. Few days later, with Dr. Benigno Morán and a young boy called Manés Fernández (in a home-made K-1 and equipped with lateral floats), he decided to make a trip, surprisingly for the river Piloña, from Coya until Infiesto. There were near five kilometers for the river, in those they used two and a half hours...

6 History What seemed an anecdote didn't stay there. With the experience of those five kilometers traveled in canoe from Coya until the bridge of Infiesto, Dionisio de la Huerta convinced his friend Alfonso Argüelles to accompanie him down the river until Arriondas and also to Manés Fernández. In a canoe with floats began that first trip accompanied by a group of friends that followed them in bus.  With having reiterated stops to take out the water of the canoe and some sandwich, the night plundered them in Soto de Dueñas, so after restoring forces, they decided to leave it for better occasion. About fourteen kilometers they had traveled in that adventure and they were more than seven hours enjoying the river and the landscapes that was what really interested him.  In Infiesto everybody spoke about Dionisio de la Huerta and his adventures.  The following year took place what later would be the first edition of the Descent of the River Sella, between Infiesto and Ribadesella, according to some versions, and between Infiesto and Soto de Dueñas, according to others. This time, they were Dionisio, Alfonso Argüelles and Manés Fernández, and the certain thing is that they used seven hours, since each little time they stopped and they shared the experience with the fourteen friends that followed them by the highway.

7 Course Along the Sella River betwen Arriondas and Ribadesella bridges (20 Km.). Place: Asturias (Spain). The Cadets, Centenarians, and Mixed categories as well as the RR types, have their Finishing Line at the Llovio railway bridge (15 Km.) where the river estuary begings and where the outdoor lunch and festivities are held.  The Senior, Junior and Veterans categories (Men and Women in K2, K1, C2 and C1)) have their Finishing Line at Ribadesella (20 kms.)

8 Photos

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