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Reception Maths Evening Miss Butcher Maths Leader

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1 Reception Maths Evening Miss Butcher Maths Leader

2 LO: To understand the way maths is taught at Lilliput
I know the Maths objectives for the Early Years curriculum. I know how Maths is taught at Lilliput

3 Number Early Learning Goals
Children recognise and count reliably with numbers 0 to 20. Place them in order and say which number is 1 more or 1 less than a given number. Using quantities and objects they add and subtract 2 single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. Solve problems including doubling, halving and sharing. Objectives for children to achieve by the END of the year.

4 Shape, Space and Measure
Early Learning Goals Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money. Compare quantities and objects to solve problems. Recognise, create and describe patterns. Explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

5 Daily Maths in Reception Early Years Foundation Stage
N (Number) SSM (Shape Space and Measures) Daily Number Fun input and mental starter Number Fun – practical/play based activities with a variety of resources which are child-led and linked to our topics Focus groups with an adult based on individual targets

6 How can you help your child at home?
Maths shop Maths games Weekly homework Practising fluency of facts Ideas on the school website

7 Opportunities to Learn
What number is our house? Can you spot any other numbers? Opportunities to Learn Which coins could we use to buy this item? Which number have you landed on. Which number will you land on next? Which is heavier, the butter or the eggs? How many apples are there? Can you give me 1 more? What shapes can you spot around the house?

8 Most Importantly… Count, count, count!

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