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Database Management Systems

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1 Database Management Systems
Faculty of Computer Science Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Database Management Systems Course Tutorial 2: SQL

2 Outline

3 Relational Model - Recap
Field, Property, Attribute black purple pink Table, Relation Schema animal age color Row, Tupple cat 23 pink

4 Database example Library Database Ordered Cust_Id Book_Id Order_Date
Books Book_Id Book_Name Year Max_Time Faculty Pages Customers Cust_Id Cust_Name Faculty Borrowed Cust_Id Book_Id From_Date To_Date

5 Database example Customers(Cust_Id, Cust_Name, Faculty)
Cust_Id: Customer ID (unique) Cust_Name: Customer Name Faculty: Faculty Name

6 Database example Customers(Cust_Id, Cust_Name, Faculty) Faculty
CS Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Avi Barak 23456 MED 34567 Lior Edri 45678 56789 67890 Two Avi Barak, different faculties Two Moishe Cohen in EE

7 Database example Books(Book_Id, Book_Name, Year, Max_Time, Faculty, Pages) Book_Id: Unique book id Book_Name: Bool title Year: Year of print Max_Time: Maximum borrowing time in days Faculty: Faculty name Pages: Page number

8 Database And Knowledge
Database example Books(Book_Id, Book_Name, Year, Max_Time, Faculty, Pages) Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

9 Database example Ordered(Cust_Id, Book_Id, Order_Date)
Cust_Id: Customer ID Book_Id : Book ID Order_Date: Date of book order

10 Database example Ordered(Cust_Id, Book_Id, Order_Date) Order_Date
14-Oct-2002 1111 12345 24-Oct-2002 1112 45678 30-Oct-2002 1113 12-Oct-2002 2222

11 Database example Borrowed(Book_Id, Cust_Id, From_Date, To_Date)
Book_Id: Book ID Cust_Id: Customer ID From_Date: Borrowing date To_Date: Return date

12 Database example Borrowed(Book_Id, Cust_Id, From_Date, To_Date)
13-Oct-2002 56789 5555

13 Outline

14 SQL Queries: General Format
//Choose the data SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] {[table.]* | expr [alias], exp [alias], …} //Data sources FROM table [alias], table [alias], … //Condition on the data [WHERE condition] //Aggregations [GROUP BY expr, expr, … [HAVING condition]] //Groups arithmetics [{INTERSECT | EXCEPT | UNION | UNION ALL } SELECT …] //Sorting [ORDER BY expr [ASC | DESC ], expr [ASC | DESC],…]; The expressions inside [] are optional

15 SQL Queries: SELECT Specific columns selection (by name):
SELECT column1, column2, column3,… FROM table; All columns selection: SELECT *

16 Database And Knowledge
SQL Queries: SELECT Example: select the name of every book, and its page number SELECT Book_Name, Pages FROM Books; Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

17 Database And Knowledge
SQL Queries: SELECT Example: select the name of every book, and its page number SELECT Book_Name, Pages FROM Books; Pages Book_Name 348 Database Systems 424 390 Database And Knowledge 180 Electronic Circuits 580 Genes 7 450 Anatomy We have duplications, use DISTINCT

18 SQL Queries: Where Filtering tuples by Boolean condition.
SELECT column1, column2, column3,… FROM table WHERE Boolean_Condition; Example: the names of the books which printed after 1990 SELECT Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Year > 1990;

19 Database And Knowledge
SQL Queries: Where SELECT Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Year > 1990 Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

20 Database And Knowledge
SQL Queries: Where SELECT Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Year > 1990 Book_Name Database Systems Database And Knowledge Electronic Circuits

21 Outline

22 UPDATE DATA UPDATE tablename SET column-assignment-list
WHERE conditional-expression ;

23 UPDATE DATA Goal: update values in existing tuples
First option: set fix value in specific columns in every tuple. Example: move every book to the general library and limit their borrowing time to 7 days UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = 7, Faculty = 'GEN';

24 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example Books Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

25 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = 7, Faculty = 'GEN': Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id GEN 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 1112 424 2001 1113 390 Database And Knowledge 2222 2223 180 Electronic Circuits 3333 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

26 UPDATE DATA Second option: update only part of the tuples by adding a WHERE condition. Example: limit the maximum borrowing time to a week, for all books in CS faculty. UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = 7 WHERE Faculty = `CS’;

27 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example Books Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

28 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = 7 WHERE Faculty = 'CS': Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 1112 424 2001 1113 390 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

29 UPDATE DATA Third option: set an expression
Example: increase borrowing time limit by 1, to all books. UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = Max_Time + 1;

30 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example Books Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

31 Database And Knowledge
UPDATE DATA: Example UPDATE Books SET Max_Time = Max_Time + 1: Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 8 1998 Database Systems 1111 15 1112 424 2001 1113 390 2 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 22 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

32 INSERT DATA INSERT INTO tablename [( column-list )]
VALUES ( constant-list ) ; Constant list must be coherent with column-list

33 INSERT DATA Goal: adding new tuples First option: add one given tuple.
Example: add a client to Customers table INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (78901, 'Roy Peled', 'EE');

34 INSERT DATA: Example Customers Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id CS
Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Avi Barak 23456 MED 34567 Lior Edri 45678 56789 67890

35 INSERT DATA: Example INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (78901, 'Roy Peled', 'EE'): Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id CS Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Avi Barak 23456 MED 34567 Lior Edri 45678 56789 67890 Roy Peled 78901

36 INSERT DATA You can initiate only specific fields Example:
INSERT INTO Customers(Cust_Id,Cust_Name) VALUES (78901, 'Roy Peled'); Important ! Unintialized fields (Faculty) will be set as NULL If a coulmn does not allow NULL values, the INSERT action is ilegal and will fail.

37 INSERT DATA: Example Customers Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id CS
Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Avi Barak 23456 MED 34567 Lior Edri 45678 56789 67890

38 INSERT DATA: Example INSERT INTO Customers(Cust_Id, Cust_Name)
VALUES (78901, 'Roy Peled'): Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id CS Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Avi Barak 23456 MED 34567 Lior Edri 45678 56789 67890 Roy Peled 78901

39 INSERT DATA You can add into a table the result given by a query.
Example: Insert the client ID into the table Readers, for all client who ordered a book. INSERT INTO Readers( Id) (SELECT Cust_Id FROM Ordered); This is legal only if the table Readers exists.

40 Database And Knowledge
INSERT DATA: Example Readers: Ordered: Cust_Id Cust_Id Book_Name Order_Date 12345 12345 Database Systems 14-Oct-2002 45678 45678 Anatomy 24-Oct-2002 12345 12345 Database And Knowledge 30-Oct-2002 45678 45678 Electronic Circuits 12-Oct-2002

41 INSERT DATA What will happen if we’ll call INSERT into a table with the data from the same table? INSERT is executed over a temporary copy of the table Example: INSERT INTO Readers (SELECT * FROM Readers) This will not cause an infinite loop but will only duplicate the table.

42 INSERT DATA: Example Readers: Readers: INSERT INTO Readers
CS Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Lior Edri 45678 Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id Readers: INSERT INTO Readers (SELECT * FROM Readers); Readers: CS Moshe Cohen 12345 EE Lior Edri 45678 Faculty Cust_Name Cust_Id 12345 Moshe Cohen CS 45678 Lior Edri EE

43 DELETE DATA DELETE FROM tablename WHERE conditional-expression

44 DELETE DATA DELETE deletes tuples from the table.
You need to define which tuple you want to delete. Exmple: delete all orders DELETE FROM Ordered; The table itself is not deleted, but is contain 0 tuples.

45 DELETE DATA Adding WHERE allows us to choose which tuples will be deleted. Example: Delete every order of the customer with ID 12345: DELETE FROM Ordered WHERE Cust_Id = 12345;

46 Database And Knowledge
DELETE DATA: Example Order_Date Book_Name Cust_Id 14-Oct-2002 Database Systems 12345 24-Oct-2002 Anatomy 45678 30-Oct-2002 Database And Knowledge 12-Oct-2002 Electronic Circuits DELETE FROM Ordered WHERE Cust_Id = 12345; Ordered: Order_Date Book_Name Cust_Id 24-Oct-2002 Anatomy 45678 12-Oct-2002 Electronic Circuits

47 Outline

48 Create Table Create an empty table:
CREATE TABLE table (column_name column_type [(length)] [NOT NULL],…); Create a table from a query results: CREATE TABLE table AS SELECT …;

49 Create Table: Example CREATE TABLE EXAMPLE (AB VARCHAR(15),

50 PostgreSQL Types VARCHAR (n) – String with length<= n
TEXT – String with unlimted length BOOLEAN – true\false DATE – date INTEGER – integer DECIMAL [(p,s)] – number with given decimal precision. Additional PostgreSQL types

EF DECIMAL(5), GH DECIMAL(7,2), PRIMARY KEY (AB,CD)); A primary key cannot be NULL


53 Foreign Key Recall Ordered table:
Ordered(Cust_Id, Book_Id, Order_Date). How to impose that every Cust_id is valid? CREATE TABLE Ordered (Cust_Id INTEGER, Book_Id INTEGER, Order_Date TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (Cust_Id) REFERENCES Customers(Cust_Id));

54 Foreign Key You can also write CREATE TABLE Ordered (Cust_Id INTEGER,

55 Foreign Key Let’s assume that there is an order for customer with id 1002, and now we delete this client. What will happen? You can define CREATE TABLE Ordered (Cust_Id INTEGER, Book_Id INTEGER, Order_Date TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (Cust_Id) REFERENCES Customers(Cust_Id) ON DELETE CASCADE);

CHECK (B > 0), CHECK (B < C)); B INTEGER CHECK (B > 0),

57 CREATE TABLE: Example Example: create a new table named CSBooks which contains all the books from ‘CS’ faculty. CREATE TABLE CSBooks AS SELECT Book_Id, Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Faculty = 'CS';

58 Database And Knowledge
CREATE TABLE: Example Books Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

59 CREATE TABLE: Example CSBooks: Book_Name Book_Id Book_Name Book_Id
Database Systems 1111 1112 1113 Database And Knowledge 2222 CSBooks: Book_Name Book_Id Database Systems 1111 1112 1113 Database And Knowledge 2222

60 Database And Knowledge
Create Table New table schema: Columns types are determined by the CREATE query. You can rename the columns CREATE TABLE CSBooks(Id, Name) AS SELECT Book_Id, Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Faculty = 'CS'; Database Systems 1111 1112 1113 Database And Knowledge 2222 Name Id CSBooks:

61 DROP TABLE You can delete the table by calling DROP Example: delete CSBooks table: DROP TABLE CSBooks;

62 VIEWS Motivation: aliasing a query result as a table without actually create the table. The query that defines the view is saved in the DB and calculated every time it is being called. View can be a “window” where you can see a part of the database, on your needs. Usage: simplify queries code, calculations, privacy & security.

63 VIEWS Create a view: Example: CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT…;
CREATE VIEW CSBooksView AS SELECT Book_Id, Book_Name, Max_Time FROM Books WHERE Faculty = 'CS'; CSBooksView hides every columns in Books, exept Book_Id, Book_Name, Max_Time, and holds only the data relevant for CS. You cannot use ORDER BY when creating a view.

64 VIEWS CSBooksView Max_Time Book_Name Book_Id Faculty Pages Max_Time
7 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 1113 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 Max_Time Book_Name Book_Id CSBooksView Faculty Pages Max_Time Year Book_Name Book_Id CS 348 7 1998 Database Systems 1111 14 1112 424 2001 1113 390 1 Database And Knowledge 2222 EE 2223 180 21 Electronic Circuits 3333 MED 580 1985 Genes 7 4444 450 1988 Anatomy 5555

65 VIEWS You can write query on a view as if it was a table
Example: Return all the books from ‘CS’ which their borrowing time is 7 days: SELECT Book_Name FROM CSBooksView WHERE Max_Time = 7;

66 DROP VIEW You can delete a view by DROP VIEW Example:
DROP VIEW CSBooksView; The underlined table remains intact.

67 Question What is difference? CREATE TABLE CSBooks AS
SELECT Book_Id, Book_Name FROM Books WHERE Faculty = 'CS'; CREATE VIEW CSBooksView AS הטבלה לא משתנה אחרי עידכונים ב BOOKS

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