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VoLTE remaining requirements Auto & manual Scaling

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1 VoLTE remaining requirements Auto & manual Scaling

2 General This proposal is to suggest the feature auto & manual scaling to be implemented in R2. Missing features which were not implemented in R1. R46: VNF auto scaling is merged from Capacity based scaling and Policy driven scaling. R47: VNF manual scaling (in/out) is a new feature. Other Reqs are existed in R1 (stretch goal), but not implemented yet. Req Id Functional Requirement Priority as initially submitted Source / Use Case New Component / Enhancement Comments R46 VNF autoscaling (in/out) 3 VoLTE Enhancement Merged from Capacity based scaling and Policy driven scaling. R47 VNF manual scaling (in/out) Manual scaling triggered from portal. R48 Configuration audit R49 Resource dedication This came out of one of the other use cases. It’s the capability to specify constrains on VNFs (e.g. this VNF needs to be on it’s own dedicated server) R50 Policy driven/optimal VNF placement R51 Framework for integration with OSS/BSS

3 R46: VNF auto scaling (in/out) – Description, Flow
Description: VNF auto scaling is based on policies. The input of the policy can be either application aspect events/conditions (e.g. subscriber capabilities ,call loss rate) or non-application aspect events/conditions (e.g. CPU usage). The ONAP platform should be able to perform scaling of any VNF that supports scaling, in all flavors/levels supported by the VNF Portal SDC/CLAMP DCAE/Holms/Policy/VF-C EMS/VNF VIM&NFVI 1. Policy design, distribute and activation. 2.1. Report/collect application aspect data 2.2. Report/collect non-application aspect data 3. Trigger VNF auto scaling

4 R46: VNF auto scaling (in/out) – VNF capabilities
Any dependencies on specific VNF capabilities VNF should support scaling in different flavors/levels VNF/EMS should support the monitoring of the metrics which are used by auto-scaling policies VNFs that we would use to test the use cases VNFs in VoLTE usecase: MME, SAE-GW, CSCF, AS Companies willing to contribute China Mobile, ZTE, Huawei

5 R47: VNF manual scaling (in/out) – Description, Flow
Auto-scaling can trigger the scaling operation based on the real-time state of a VNF instance. But it cannot cover all operators’ requirements of scaling. For example, on holidays or in large activities, auto-scaling cannot provide an immediate response to the huge growth of traffic. Manual scaling provide the capability of VNF scale in/out triggered by operators based on predicted demand. the ONAP platform should be able to perform scaling of any VNF that supports scaling, in all flavors/levels supported by the VNF Portal SO VF-C 3rd VNFM VIM/NFVI 3rd EMS/VNF 1. Manually trigger scaling operation 2. Scaling in/out 3. Operate scaling in/out

6 R47: VNF manual scaling (in/out) – VNF capabilities
Any dependencies on specific VNF capabilities VNF should support scaling in different flavors/levels VNFs that we would use to test the use cases VNFs in VoLTE usecase: MME, SAE-GW, CSCF, AS Companies willing to contribute China Mobile, ZTE, Huawei

7 References ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 —— “B.4 VNF instance scaling flows” describes flows of scaling. The scaling use case is grouped in 3 categories, auto-scaling, on-demand scaling and scaling based on management request. Auto-scaling and on-demand scaling refer to the scaling triggered by VNFM/EMS/VNF automatically, related to R46. Scaling based on management request refers to the scaling triggered by some senders (OSS/BSS/operators) manually, related to R47. ETSI IFA 005, 006, 007 define the stage 2 specifications of Or-Vnfm, Or-Vi, Vnfm-Vi interfaces; ETSI SOL 003 defines the stage 3 specifications of Or-Vnfm interface; Openstack defines the VIM NBI APIs; OASIS TOSCA defines the VNF Descriptor in TOSCA Format VoLTE use case support EPA capabilities

8 Thanks

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