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Introduction to Pathophysiology Focus: How do body systems become disrupted? How do we weigh the personal and public concerns in selecting treatments that.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Pathophysiology Focus: How do body systems become disrupted? How do we weigh the personal and public concerns in selecting treatments that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Pathophysiology Focus: How do body systems become disrupted? How do we weigh the personal and public concerns in selecting treatments that impact the health of a population? Learning Targets: I can describe key terms associated with the field of pathophysiology. I can evaluate the bioethical issues associated with curing a disease. Tasks: 1) Introduction to Pathophysiology/Bioethics (5-10 mins) 2) Cholera Case Study & Share Out (25-30 mins) 3) Closure & Exit Ticket (5 mins) Extension: Continue Body Systems Choice Board Project or blood typing lab

2 Introduction to Pathophysiology
7th Grade Pre-Living Environment

3 “Patho”- relating to disease
“Physio”- relating to nature and living things (& how they function) “Ology”- study of… Put it all together….!

4 Pathophysiology: study of the disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury.

5 Key Terms Etiology- the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition. Etio- prefix meaning “causation” Ex: "a disease of unknown etiology” Prognosis-a forecast of the likely course of a disease -- Ex: When breast cancer is diagnosed at an earlier stage, the prognosis is generally quite good, with nearly 90 percent of patients surviving at least five years.

6 Bioethical Principals of Scientific Research & Treatment
Nonmaleficence - One should avoid causing harm. The healthcare professional should not harm the patient. All treatment involves some harm, even if minimal, but the harm should not be disproportionate to the benefits of treatment. Justice - Benefits and risks should be fairly distributed. The notion that patients in similar positions should be treated in a similar manner. Beneficence - One should take positive steps to help others. One considers the balancing of benefits of treatment against the risks and costs; the healthcare professional should act in a way that benefits the patient Autonomy - one should respect the right of individuals to make their own decisions by respecting the decision making capacities of autonomous persons; enabling individuals to make reasoned informed choices.

7 Cases in Pathophysiology
During this unit, we will explore a variety of case studies and research focused on diseases and how they affect the human body. Case 1 part 1: “An infectious Cure” Type in: “An infectious cure nsta” on google and click the second link. Load up the case study on your laptops . You will work with one person at your table to work through the case. Feel free to incorporate other sources into your responses when answering the case questions. Be sure to cite your evidence.

8 Rubric

9 Read, Research, Write & Discuss
1) Cholera is caused by bacteria that infect the small intestine. These bacteria are typically contracted by drinking contaminated water. The symptoms are brought about by the secretion of a toxin that disrupts the functioning of the cells of the small intestine. Given this information, what might the European men have poured into the wells? Be as specific as you can in explaining how your proposed treatment cured and prevented cholera. Come up with more than one hypothesis & describe the clinical manifestations of Cholera. 2.) What ethical issues does imposing a treatment on the villagers without their consent raise? Are there factors that make it more or less acceptable? 3.) At the time, the Europeans did not fully understand how their well treatment worked. They only had indications that it worked once in Europe. Were they justified in imposing their treatment? Are there steps they could have taken that would have made the situation more acceptable? 4.) Is it ever appropriate to force a “cure” on a population? Remember that in North America many municipalities put fluoride in the water supply to prevent tooth decay

10 Exit Ticket How is pathophysiology different from anatomy and physiology? How would knowing the etiology of a disease help with the discovery of treatment methods? Note: Be sure to define the term “etiology” in your response!

11 Warm Up Imagine you are about to board this crowded train. What are you going to do as soon as you get on? Why?

12 Diffusion


14 Modeling Diffusion in a Cell

15 Discuss Why does a cell need to control what enters or exits?
- What are some examples of molecules that the cell membrane might want to let in or keep out? Why? What would happen if diffusion couldn’t occur? Why do large molecules have to be broken down? Make a connection to cellular respiration and explain the importance of these biological processes.

16 Scenario Practice See your worksheets.

17 Skills Practice

18 Today… Task 1: Today, we will start part 1 of the Diffusion Through a Membrane State Lab We will be…. -testing with chemical indicators -understanding diffusion (size of molecules )

19 Task 2: Research Task 2- Grab a laptop and research either the disease hypercarbia or hypo/hyperglycemia. How do these diseases affect one’s health? How does the concept of diffusion relate to these diseases? How can they be prevented and treated? Your response should: Be at least one-page double spaced Explain the cause of the disease Relate your chosen disease to the concept of diffusion Explain how they can be prevented/treated Anything else? ….. Ex: Format: Google slide (2 slide minimum, one to two pictures per slide).

20 Exit Ticket Evaluate the validity of the following claims:
1)-Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. 2)Large molecules can easily diffusion across the cell membrane.

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