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The Need for Reformation

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1 The Need for Reformation
Romans 5:1-11

2 500 years is a long time… From Adam to Noah’s birth was 1056 years
From Noah to Abraham’s birth was 943 years From Abraham to Moses’ exodus was 563 years From Moses to Divided Kingdom was 470 years From the Divided Kingdom to the end of the Babylonian Captivity was 459 years

3 500 years is a long time… (2) From Captivity to Christ’s birth was 512 years From Christ’s birth to Fall of Rome was 480 years From Fall of Rome to E/W Schism was 578 years From E/W Schism to Reformation was 463 years From Reformation to the present is 500 years

4 The Reformation really was a big deal!
Many Protestant Christians lost their lives over it It was theologically driven by a concern for biblical authority & truth Does it still matter? What was the big deal then and what is the big deal now?

5 I. The Historical Timing
A. Preparations for Reformation 1384 John Wycliffe –1st English Bible translation 1415 John Huss –Bohemia, preached true Gospel 1455 Johann Gutenberg –1st printed Bible 1483 Martin Luther –born in Eisleben 1484 Ulrich Zwingli –born in Switzerland

6 A. Preparations for Reformation (cont.)
1494 Columbus makes 1st voyage to Americas 1506 Leonardo Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa 1508 Michelangelo begins to paint Sistine Chapel 1512 Luther earns doctorate, begins to teach… 1515 Luther delivers lectures on Romans & is appointed district vicar over ten monesteries

7 B. Inception of Reformation
1517 Luther distributes 95 theses on indulgences 1518 He appears before Cardinal Cajetan 1519 In July, he debates Johann Eck at Leipzig 1519 Zwingli begins NT sermons, Swiss reform 1521 Luther is excommunicated, refuses to recant, condemned as heretic, hides out at Wartburg Castle and translates the NT into German

8 B. Inception of Reformation (cont.)
1525 First re-baptism of believers =Anabaptists 1527 Marburg, 1st “protestant” university founded 1530 The Diet of Augsburg attempts to mend divisiveness in Roman Empire, Luther absent 1534 Henry VIII declares himself the supreme head of the Church of England 1535 Anabaptist uprising at Munster, executed

9 B. Inception of Reformation (cont.)
1538 John Calvin is expelled from Geneva 1543 Copernicus declares in his writings that the earth revolves around the sun 1545 Council of Trent convenes for the reformation of the Catholic Church 1546 Martin Luther dies in Eisleben 1611 King James translation of the Bible

10 Observations: The Reformation was a gradual transformation…
It was not an intentional and concerted effort… It took place in several different contexts... The main concerns are summarized in 5 points: Solo Gratia (only grace), Sola Fide (only faith), Solus Christus (only Christ), Sola Scripture (only Scripture), Soli Deo Gloria (only glory to God)

11 II. The Major Issues A. The designation of the Five Solas
These Five Solas were not the formal rallying cry They first appeared together as a tight synthesis of Reformation theology only in the 20th century This does not mean these views were not held… The relavance for us is as a good foundation for understanding the essence of the Reformation

12 B. The application of the Five Solas
There is an ongoing danger of decline The church today is in grave need of reformation -We face a temptation to live by sight, not faith -The authority of Scripture is being undermined -The centrality of Christ is being compromised -The resistance to grace is not diminishing -The inclination to direct glory to God isn’t popular

13 III. Lessons from Luther’s Life
A. The practical acceptability of Luther Given Luther’s personality and prejudices, would he be acceptable on any modern university faculty? He was not willing to go along with the status quo of church tradition He was entrenched with medieval values… He was less than psychologically stable

14 B. The notable distinctions of Luther
A lesson of transforming grace A lesson of unflinching boldness A lesson of ingenuity and industry A lesson of discipleship A lesson of family life A lesson through imperfection

15 IV. The Importance of Doctrinal Definition
A. Theology is refined over time Luther ignited a firestorm that would burn throughout Europe… Luther’s study of Scripture revealed the glorious doctrine of justification The doctrine of justification is said to be the hinge upon which the gates of heaven open & close

16 B. Theology is distorted over time
Justification is by faith in what God accomplished in Christ Justification changes one’s legal status before God Justification is an instantaneous act of God… Justification is permanent and is never lost by sin Justification is by grace apart from works

17 B. Theology is distorted over time (cont.)
Justification is by imputation or crediting of Christ’s completed righteousness… God justifies the ungodly After justification all sins are no longer taken into account or punished God promises to glorify everyone He justifies Justification precedes sanctification

18 Oz Guinness, Impossible People
“It is surely undeniable that only rarely in Christian history has the lordship of Jesus in the West been treated as more pliable and has Christian revisionism been more brazen, Christian interpretations of the Bible more self-serving, Christian preaching more soft, Christian behavior more lax, Christian compromise more common, Christian defections from the faith more casual, and Christian rationales for such slippage more spurious and shameless.”

19 Can we say this with Luther?
“Unless I am convicted by Scriptures and plain reason –I do not accept the authority of Popes and Councils, for they have contradicted each other. I consider myself convicted by the testimony of Holy Scriptures, which is my basis; my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot, and I will not, recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.”

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