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GOES Geosynchronus Satellites
Going for Knowledge: GOES Geosynchronus Satellites Mr. Timothy J. Schmit NOAA/NESDIS (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR) Advanced Satellite Products Team (ASPT) in collaboration with the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Madison, WI 11 March 2003 UW-Madison
Wisconsin has a long history with the development and continued improvements of the geostationary satellites. These space-based satellites are the backbone for observing atmospheric changes on fine time and space scales. What is a GOES satellite and what does it do? Sample images and products of clouds, fog, severe weather storms, snow, etc. Future geostationary capabilities.
Global image -- combination of satellite and ground-based observations.
This is an overview diagram of CIMSS activities and how they work together to support CIMSS overall activity.
Geostationary Satellites
Polar Orbiting Satellites Geostationary Satellites
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
Geostationary Satellites
Warnings to U.S. Public -- Detect, track and characterize Hurricanes Severe or possibly tornadic storms Flash flood producing weather systems Imagery/soundings for weather forecasting Information for aviation and numerical models Environmental data collection – Platforms including buoys, rain gauges… First operational Solar X-Ray Imager
“the clouds moved - not the satellite”
ATS-3 (color) “the clouds moved - not the satellite” Verner Suomi Click to add notes From 6 Dec 1966, ATS-1's geostationary spin scan cloud camera provided full disk visible images of the earth and its cloud cover every 20 minutes
Verner E. Suomi and Robert J. Parent
Geostationary Weather Satellite
The satellite: The rocket: September 27, 1995
GOES-N Satellite Imager Sounder Human GOES-N (S/N08)
S-/L- Band Antennas Star Trackers Imager UHF Antenna Sounder Human GOES-N (S/N08)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
GOES Sounder Spectral Bands: 14.7 to 3.7 um & Vis
Eighteen infrared sounding bands (channels) ranging from 14.7 (top left) to 3.9 (bottom middle) microns were selected for the GOES sounder; the channels were patterned after those realized for the polar orbiting High resolution Infrared Radiometer Sounder (HIRS). These multispectral observations yield information about the vertical structure of atmospheric temperature and moisture. The concept of profile retrieval is based on the fact that atmospheric absorption and transmittance are highly dependent on the frequency of the radiation and the amount of the absorbing gas. At frequencies close to the centers of absorbing bands, a small amount of gas results in considerable attenuation in the transmission of the radiation; therefore most of the outgoing radiation arises from the upper levels of the atmosphere. At frequencies far from the centers of the band, a relatively large amount of the absorbing gas is required to attenuate transmission; therefore the outgoing radiation arises from the lower levels of the atmosphere. This is evident moving from 14.7 (ch1, op left) to 11 (ch8, 2nd row middle) microns; features in the lower atmosphere emerge as wavelength moves from the center of the CO2 absorption band. The H2O sensitive bands (ch8 - 12) exhibit similar behavior. The shortwave CO2 sensitive bands (ch ) also detect reflected solar radiation (more at shorter wavelengths)
Data Assimilation -- GOES radiances and products have a major role
GOES in NWP, routine and experimental: Model GOES Data NCEP Global Sounder Radiance, Imager Winds, Imager Radiances Eta Model Sounder Radiance, Sounder PW, Imager Winds, Data for LandDataAssimilationScheme, Sounder Clouds FSL’s RUC Sounder TPW, Sounder Clouds, rapid-scan winds CIMSS CRAS Sounder PW, Sounder Clouds Australia (LAPS) Imager Winds ECMWF Imager Winds, Imager Radiances GFDL (experimental) Imager Winds NOGAPS Imager Winds, Sounder Winds NAAPS Imager Biomass Fire Product CSU RAMS Imager Biomass Fire Product UW ALEXI Change of Sounder Skin Temperature, Imager insolation (University of Sao Paulo/NASA-Ames) is doing the work with the CSU RAMS model. The MM-5 has been run experimentally for Hurrican Felix with Sounder radiances. Data Assimilation -- GOES radiances and products have a major role
Effect of GOES (sounder cloud) data on 3-h RUC cloud forecasts
3h 20km RUC cloud-top fcst w/ GOES cloud assimilation Verification Cloud-top pressure based on NESDIS product Effect of GOES (sounder cloud) data on 3-h RUC cloud forecasts “much improved cloud forecasts” 1800 UTC Tues 2 Oct 2001 These figures show the improve of short-term forecasts (in the Rapid Update Cycle model) when the GOES sounder cloud-top information product is assimilated. The circles show 2 areas of improved cloud forecasts. From Stan Benjamin: Update to previous Notice of Intent to Change - 20-km RUC - Scheduled for implementation 16 April 2002 pending CAFTI approval Stan Benjamin – NOAA/FSL 3h 40km RUC cloud-top fcst No GOES cloud assimilation
Satellite winds on GFDL Forecasts
Hurricane examples. Soden, Brian J., Christopher S. Velden, Robert E. Tuleya, 2001: The Impact of Satellite Winds on Experimental GFDL Hurricane Model Forecasts. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 835–852. GFDL is Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GOES-8 1km visible Soden et al. Former National Hurricane Center director Robert Sheets once said that if he had only one tool to do his forecasting job, it would be the geostationary weather satellite.
Snow: 21 December 2000 | Blowing Snow Across Iowa
“Sundogs” (refraction off ice crystals)
GOES Split-window Difference
Dust Detection GOES Visible GOES Split-window Difference (10.7 µm - 12 µm)
GOES WFABBA Monitors Rapid Intensification of Wildfires
20 June :15 UTC 18:15 UTC 21:15 UTC Rodeo Chediski Smoke Arizona QUEBEC ONTARIO 6 July :45 UTC 17:45 UTC Quebec One of the primary advantages of using geostationary data for fire monitoring is the ability to detect and monitor rapidly growing fires. Two examples are shown in this slide. On 20 June 2002, the GOES Wildfire ABBA monitored the Chedeski and Rodeo fires in Arizona. The rapid intensification of the Rodeo/Chediski complex was one of the most extreme examples ever documented with the GOES WF_ABBA. On 6 July 2002, the GOES Wildfire ABBA monitored the rapid growth and intensification of numerous fires in Quebec. UW-Madison CIMSS is collaborating with M. Moreau (Environment Canada/Meteorological Services/Quebec Region) to evaluate the capability of the WF_ABBA for detecting and monitoring wildfires in remote regions at northerly latitudes in the province of Quebec, Canada. During the recent outbreak of wildfires in Quebec, M. Moreau indicated that the GOES WF_ABBA served as an excellent tool for monitoring fires in real-time especially in the restricted protection zone in Northern Quebec where conventional fire monitoring is limited. He indicated that the latest version of WF_ABBA has significantly fewer false alarms with good agreement with ground truth verification.
The Advance Baseline Imager:
ABI Current Spatial resolution 0.64 mm Visible 0.5 km Approx. 1 km Other Visible 1.0 km n/a IR bands 2 km Approx. 4 km Spatial coverage Full disk 4 per hour Every 3 hours CONUS per hour 4 per hour Operation during eclipse Yes No Spectral Coverage 15/16 bands 5 bands
Visible and near-IR channels on the ABI
Cirrus Snow Haze Clouds Veg. Part. size
IR channels on the current GOES and on the ABI
This is from Mat G.
ABI Bands Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder MODIS or MTG, etc
Band pass are approximate Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder MODIS or MTG, etc
ABI (3.9 m) Based on GOES Imager Ch 2 useful for fog, snow, cloud, and fire detection
5 March Nocturnal Fog/Stratus Over the Northern Plains GOES minus 11 μm Difference ABI 4 minus 11 μm Difference Both images are shown in the GOES projection. Fog UW/CIMSS ABI image (from MODIS) shows greater detail in structure of fog.
Water/Ice Clouds and Snow/Lake Ice
ABI Simulations (from MODIS data) 3-color composite (Visible/1.6 μm/ μm) 12 February 2001; 1627 UTC Vis/1.6um/8.5-11um Water cloud Ice cloud Lake Ice Snow Super-Cooled cloud UW/CIMSS UW/CIMSS
Haze Detection MODIS (True Color) GOES
GOES was 18UTC image MODIS was from 14-Aug-02 (~15Z) and via the SSEC direct broadcast. Look at the region off the coast of the upper-Atlantic states. Note that the GOES visible sensor was designed so as to minimize its ability to sense haze. (Of course 18Z is the worse time (due to view angles) for GOES to observe this.) GOES image has not been enhanced.
Severe convection: IR windows 25 February 2001
MODIS (1 km) ABI (2 km) Severe convection: IR windows 25 February 2001 GOES-8 (4 km) The simulated ABI clearly captures the over-shooting (cold) cloud tops, while the current GOES Imager does not. Images shown in GOES projection.
MODIS Detects Burn Scars in Louisiana
01 September Pre-burning 17 September Post-burning Burn Scars Scars (dark regions) caused by biomass burning in early September are evident in MODIS 250 m NIR channel 2 (0.85 μm) imagery on the 17th. MODIS Data from GSFC DAAC ABI will allow for diurnal characterizations of burn areas, this has implications for re-growth patterns. CIMSS, UW
Solar X-Ray Imager on GOES-12
Current GOES Imagers -- a wide variety of Applications
Oceanographic Weather Numerical Weather Prediction Natural Hazards Hydrology/ Land Surface UW Climate
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