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¡Vamos a crear cómicas!.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Vamos a crear cómicas!."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Vamos a crear cómicas!

2 In your comic, you must… Create at least 3 characters
Use at least two greetings 1 formal greeting 1 familiar greeting Have all of your characters introduce themselves and ask one another’s names Have at least 2 of your characters ask and say where they’re from

3 Username should be First and Last name. (No nicknames please!) Send to:

4 Dialogue Prompt You and some of your classmates and friends are on a class trip in Madrid, España. You are hanging out in a plaza when a Spanish person your age comes up to you to say hello. You start a brief conversation with her, in which you both ask how one another are doing, introduce yourselves and your classmates/friends/teacher, ask where one another are from, and say goodbye.

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