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Compactness in Metric space

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Presentation on theme: "Compactness in Metric space"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compactness in Metric space

2 Compact X: metric space X is compact if and only if any sequence in
X has a subsequence which converges in X.

3 Observation A compact metric space is complete.


5 Observation (X, ρ): metric space is compact if (K, ρ) is compact.
then K is closed and bounded. closed and bounded In Rn, compact see next page But It does not hold in ℓ2


7 Totally bounded A metric space X is called totally bounded ,there are
if for any such that The set is called an ε-net of X.

8 Observation (X, ρ): metric space boundedness Totally bounded

9 Theorem If X is a complete metric space, then
X is compact if and only if X is totally bounded.




13 Corollary Let X be a metric space.
If X is compact, then X is separable.


15 Corollary Let X be a compact metric space.
The topology of X is generated by a countable number of balls of X.

16 Theorem A metric space X is compact if and only if every open cover
of X contains a finite subcover of X.




20 C(S) S: compact metric space
C(S): the space of all continuous real-valued functions defined on S. For f is uniformly continuous

21 Uniformly Bounded M is called an uniformly bounded family if
M is bounded in C(S)

22 Equicontinuous M is called equicontinuous if for any ε>0,
with d(s,t)<δ there is a δ>0 s.t.

23 Theorem (Arzelá-Ascoli)
is compact A closed set if and only if (i) M is bounded on C(S) (ii) M is equicontinuous





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