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Presented by Brian Nicholson

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1 Presented by Brian Nicholson
Language Support For Extensible Web Browsers Benjamin S. lerner dan grossman Presented by Brian Nicholson

2 Key Points Extensions are important
Current extension implementations are insufficient Languages can be used to address UI conflicts Aspects can be used to address code conflicts Extensions have a large user base, and it’s worth investing time to research them No mention of other browsers

3 Motivation for Extensions
Convenient access to commonly used services TwitterBar, Yoono: let users quickly publish tweets in response to what they are browsing Google Toolbar: Gmail indicator and Google search you don't need to visit a particular page to get functionality

4 Motivation for Extensions
Extensions extend browser functionality Greasemonkey AdBlock Plus FireBug Greasemonkey is like an extension within an extension allows users to create scripts without worrying about the extension framework this is in Firefox (native support in Google Chrome)

5 My Research: LibX LibX was redesigned from a toolbar to a popup due to Chrome’s constraints

6 My Research: LibX Extensions can be used for almost anything
Thousands of extensions

7 Flexibility vs. Stability
Firefox's approach Extensions should be able to build on and compliment each other Chrome's approach Extensions must be stable and predictable

8 Chrome’s Extension points
Browser actions Page actions Themes Apps Omniboxes Options page Page overrides Desktop notifications This is a “pull model”; the browser selectively pulls in specific options it makes available Stricter, more structured model Browser_action: Image source:

9 Chrome’s Extension points
Browser actions Page actions Themes Apps Omniboxes Options page Page overrides Desktop notifications This is a “pull model”; the browser selectively pulls in specific options it makes available Stricter, more structured model Browser_action: Image source:

10 Chrome’s Extension points
Browser actions Page actions Themes Apps Omniboxes Options page Page overrides Desktop notifications This is a “pull model”; the browser selectively pulls in specific options it makes available Stricter, more structured model Browser_action: Image source:

11 Chrome’s Extension points
Browser actions Page actions Themes Apps Omniboxes Options page Page overrides Desktop notifications This is a “pull model”; the browser selectively pulls in specific options it makes available Stricter, more structured model Browser_action: Image source:

12 Browser Button: Chrome
"browser_action": { "default_icon": "libx2-48.png", "popup": "popup/popup.html" }

13 Firefox’s Extension Model
Firefox is overlay-based No explicit loading order for extensions Race conditions No errors if an overlay target is not found Think of projectors on top of each other; the composite image is the final result This is a “push” model; you have the base browser, and the extensions decide how to manipulate it More versatile model; more prone to failures and conflicts

14 Browser Button: Firefox
<toolbaritem id="urlbar-container"> <toolbarbutton id="libx-button“ insertafter="urlbar-search-splitter“ image="chrome://libx/skin/libx2-16.png" /> </toolbaritem>

15 Extending Functionality: Firefox
There is only one scope AdBlock vs. NoScript Monkeypatching and wrapping AdBlock: uses subscription lists as filters for ads NoScript is an extension that blocks JavaScript from sites that aren't on a whitelist NoScript got money from installation NoScript reverted its changes rather quickly, ironic conclusion for an extension focusing on security They were able to get away with it because they were considered a trusted extension and didn't need review This put Mozilla in an awkward position and people wanted to technically enforce the AMO policy

16 Extending Functionality: Firefox
Wrapping var oldFoo =; = function() { // do something… return oldFoo.apply(this, arguments); }

17 Extending Functionality: Firefox
Monkeypatching = function() { // … important code … alert(“bar”); }

18 Extending Functionality: Firefox

19 Extending Functionality: Firefox
Monkeypatching .replace('alert("bar");', 'alert("cheese");');

20 Extending Functionality: Firefox
Monkeypatching eval( .replace('alert("bar");', 'alert("cheese");'); );

21 Extending Functionality: Firefox
Monkeypatching = eval( .replace('alert("bar");', 'alert("cheese");'); );

22 Extending Functionality: Chrome
Content scripts Run in “isolated worlds” DOM remains the same An added event listener will be visible to both Chrome and the page Limited extension communication - No JavaScript namespace collisions - Expando properties do not persist, global variables are isolated - Cannot create a generic messaging client with supplemental extensions - May not be true anymore (Chrome supports cross-extension messaging) - Regardless, extension communication is still very limiting compared to Firefox

23 Proposed Implementation
Abstract language for UI conflicts Guards Composition operators Requirements State of the document Commutativity - guards: properties that must hold when the overly is applied can request that certain parts of the document are unmodified; alternatively, can request that parts are not modified once applied composition operators: specify ordering constraints document transformers that define the transformation from the initial state to the final state

24 Proposed Implementation
Abstract language for UI conflicts Guards Composition operators Requirements State of the document Commutativity requirements: targets in the document state of the document: lists of requirements: requirements that have been defined, requirements that have not been defined, requirements that have not been overlaid, requirements that cannot again be overlaid Commutativity: if the output of overlay o1 cannot match the required input for o2, o2 must precede o1 and they do not commute

25 Proposed Implementation
Resolving script conflicts Aspect-oriented approach Explained in their follow-up paper “Supporting Dynamic, Third-Party Code Customizations in JavaScript Using Aspects”

26 Aspects Advice: code being “injected” Pointcuts: where to inject it
Inserted into code without requiring any core changes Ideal for extensions Implemented using Microsoft JScript compiler Uses JIT to compile weaving at runtime Uses code generation to account for aspects Because aspects essentially modify the function and closures at runtime, the closure needs to be invalidated when aspects are weaved

27 Aspects Before: var oldP = unsafeWindow.P;
unsafeWindow.P = function(iframe, data) { if (data[0] == "mb") data[1] = format(data[1]); return oldP.apply(iframe, arguments); }

28 Aspects After: at pointcut(callee(unsafeWindow.P))
before(iframe, data) { if (data[0] == "mb") data[1] = format(data[1]); } Pointcut: callee(unsafeWindow.P) where unsafeWindow.P is a function, and callee is the caller of that function Advice: before {} block

29 Flaws with Aspects Consider 3 functions: f, g, and h
Extend f to always return 32 Extend g to always return 53 Extend h to set f = g Could cause conflicts Only detectable dynamically If 3 runs first, 1 and 2 may conflict since they would be extending the same function to return 2 different values Browser itself is the only program that can sufficiently analyze this case even with detection in place, the end-user doesn't benefit much because they can either abort or permit an undetermined action Static analysis would be better, situation is farfetched Static analysis would allow users to see potential conflicts beforehand

30 Conclusion Chrome’s model prevents conflicts, but is limited in capability Firefox’s model is more open, but is prone to introduce conflicts Languages can be used to address UI conflicts Aspects can be used to remedy potential extension code conflicts

31 Questions?

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