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When it’s Win Win 04.04.

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1 When it’s Win Win 04.04

2 Learning Target I can analyze a story for paradigms, evaluate the ending of a story and revise the ending to create a win-win scenario. Success Criteria: I can create a 3-5 panel storyboard or comic that represents a win-win situation. I can evaluate the original text’s ending and the comic I’ve created to determine which one is most appropriate and why.

3 All I do is win Think about a time when you felt super competitive, how did that feel? How did it change how you interacted with people? What’s the positives of being competitive? What are some of the downsides? How competitive are you on a scale of 1-4?

4 Hypercompetitive Think of someone you may know that is hypercompetitive. What are two positives about this type of person? What are two things that might make them difficult to work with?

5 Thinking Win-Win Conflict makes literature work. If everyone got along in stories, there’d be little reason for us to read literature. But, by rethinking how a conflict in a story can be resolved by thinking win-win, we can learn to apply this method of thinking to our own life.

6 Creating Your Comic Work through the front of the Win-Win Comic Reflection. Identify the story you’re working with and begin creating your comic. Requirements: 3-5 Panels Can be a text used in class, movie, book etc. Art isn’t be evaluated, but it should represent your best work Complete remainder of Win-Win Comic Reflection

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