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Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

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1 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

2 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
Reading Quiz What is/are one/some of the problems mentioned in “The Problem with International Development and How to Fix It” article? A. Donors don’t want their money to go to overhead, but overhead is necessary for large-scale programs B. Programs outcomes are not tested enough once implemented on a larger scale C. Just because a program works well for a small village or small group of people doesn’t mean it will work well on a large scale D. B & C E. All of the above Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

3 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
Reading Quiz Charles Kenny’s main argument in his article ”Get an MBA, Save the World” is: A. MBA’s are the most sought-after professional degree and for good reason B. Getting an MBA and working for a Multinational corporation can be an effective way to contribute to international development C. Multinational corporations are the monopolistic hegemons that should be blamed and repudiated for their negative influences on globalization. D. Technological advancement is the only necessary goal to strive for in aid. Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

4 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
Reading Quiz Give Directly is running a basic income experiment in what country (discussed in the NPR story)? A. Mongolia B. Thailand C. Peru D. Bolivia E. Kenya Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

5 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
Four Famines in 2017 Yemen: Famine and Cholera outbreak (ongoing) Political Causes: Civil war, Saudi blockade North-East Nigeria: Displacement and Famine (ongoing) Political Cause: Boko Haram Insurgency South Sudan: Famine (improving a bit) Political Cause: Civil War, displacement Somalia: Famine Political Cause: No central government, Al Shabab Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

6 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
The Politics of Aid Poor countries are poor because they are poorly governed Two choices (rock and a hard place) Deliver aid through governments Give money to governments Try to control how they spend it Deliver aid around governments Deliver services directly Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

7 Working Through Governments
The good: Respect sovereignty Build government capacity and legitimacy The bad Leads to corruption Inefficient use of funds (waste) Funds rarely reach the poorest individuals Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

8 Working Around Governments
The good: More efficient service delivery Donor control of priorities The bad Undermines government capacity Undermines government accountability Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

9 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
The Sachs Argument We need a comprehensive plan and a big push With $200 billion a year, we can achieve “transformative development” Long-term planning and coordination are key Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

10 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
The Easterly Argument Big plans are the wrong approach for aid Needs to be locally driven, locally tailored Planning itself sucks up government resources Makes governments serve the wrong masters Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

11 The Dambisa Moyo Argument
Aid is bad for growth Corruption, dumping and market distortions, dutch disease Also a resource-curse argument Control of the central government gives access to aid $$, so motivates coups Negative stigma of aid dependence for investors Argues that “short, sharp, finite” aid can be good Long-term, open-ended aid creates dependence Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

12 The Ethics of Randomized Controlled Trials
Claim: RCTs (experiments) are the best ways to know what works. Wasting money (and failing to produce results) in development economics literally kills people. It is unethical NOT to test programs fully Counterclaim We don’t run many experiments in rich countries And definitely not on rich people When the “treatment” is valuable, control groups are inherently unethical. Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

13 Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham
Alternatives to Aid Trade Particularly opening rich-country markets in agriculture and textiles Cut subsidies for Ag Lower tariffs for textiles Migration Poor people are poor because they live in poor countries Remittances Transnational brokers and FDI Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

14 Poor Democracies, Trade Openness, and Revenue
Paper by Nita Rudra When countries lower tariffs, they lose a source of revenue Tariffs are easy to collect, other taxes are really hard Democracies have a harder time replacing that revenue Without revenue, government services decline This hurts the poorest individuals most In autocracies, trade openness tends to be better for the poorest individuals than in democracies Lecture 20: Foreign Aid Benjamin Graham

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