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Paragraph Writing Task: Read through the example paragraphs from a past exam paper. You should highlight any key words or quotes that you find effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Paragraph Writing Task: Read through the example paragraphs from a past exam paper. You should highlight any key words or quotes that you find effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paragraph Writing Task: Read through the example paragraphs from a past exam paper. You should highlight any key words or quotes that you find effective. You should then write a comment at the bottom of the page about what you think the student has done well, and a target if you think there is anything they could improve …

2 As a class, using the example paragraphs we are now going to write a success criteria of what we need to include in our essay responses: Success Criteria:

3 Task: You will now have some time to review your paragraphs you completed for homework and rewrite one of them, using the success criteria we have created together … Now pass your paragraph to the person sitting next to you … You should highlight any key words or quotes that you find effective. You should then write a comment at the bottom of the page about what you think the student has done well, and a target if you think there is anything they could improve …

4 Starter – What has happened in The Crucible so far?
Which characters have we met? What have we learnt about them? Learning Objective – to explore the characters of Mercy, Abigail, Mary Warren and Betty.

5 What are the connotations of these words?
Let’s read from: Enter Mercy Lewis, the Putnam’s servant, a fat, sly, merciless girl of eighteen. What are the connotations of these words? What do we learn about her status? How might that effect the context of the play?

6 The speech habits peculiar to a particular person.
Mercy: Her grandma come. She’s improved a little, I think – she give a powerful sneeze before. Key Word: Idiolect What do you notice about the syntax? The speech habits peculiar to a particular person.

7 (with repetition of ‘them’)
Putnam: Now look you sit. Let you strike out against the Devil, and the village will bless you for it! Come down, speak to them, pray with them. They’re thirsting for your word, Mister! Surely you’ll pray with them. What do we notice about Putnam’s speech? Rule of Three (with repetition of ‘them’) ‘Come down, speak to them, pray with them.’

8 This is an example of an adjacency pair.
Mrs Putnam: Mercy, you go home to Ruth, d’y’hear? Mercy: Aye, mum. This is an example of an adjacency pair. Key Word: Adjacency Pair - Two utterances by different speakers which have a natural logical link, and complete an idea together; a simple structure of two turns.

9 Abigail in the final part is using imperatives for agenda-setting!
Betty: You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that! Abigail: Betty, you never say that again! You will never- Betty: You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor! Abigail: (Smashes her across the face) Shut it! Now shut it! Betty: (Collapsing on the bed) Mama, Mama! (She dissolves with sobs.) Abigail: Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. An interruption is used in an attempt to control the conversation. Innocence? Repetition for emphasis Violence shown Abigail in the final part is using imperatives for agenda-setting!

10 Remember to refer to the linguistic techniques we have explored!
What do we learn about: Mercy Abigail Mary Warren Betty In this scene? Remember to refer to the linguistic techniques we have explored!

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