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KS1 SATS May 2017 Miss West.

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1 KS1 SATS May 2017 Miss West

2 What will the children be doing?
Reading test – 2 papers. Maths test – 2 papers. Arithmetic and reasoning. SPAG – optional for schools this year, children will be taking the paper at our school.

3 How will the tests be organised?
Children will be taken in small groups of no more than 6 at a time to Miss West’s classroom or our small meeting room with Mrs Sapsford. Miss West and Mrs Sapsford will be assisting in the delivery and administration of the papers; children can ask for help with reading questions in Maths and SPAG papers. In reading paper teachers can only encourage the children to have a go, but cannot read the text or questions for the pupils. Children will not be stressed or anxious about these papers, it will be a small part of their Secret Agent Training that week. We want them to give it a go, give it their very best but most of all feel like it is just another normal activity that they would do whilst at school.

4 What do the tests mean? Test scores will be used to inform but not dictate the teacher assessment that your child leaves Y2 with in the summer. If a child has a bad day – it doesn’t matter! Teachers use the tests and the work that children produce in class every day to make their judgements at the end of the year. We know your children very well and our professional knowledge is how we make our judgements.

5 We do not want the children to worry or stress about SATS!
The week has been planned as a Secret Agent Training week. The children will be taking the tests as part of their Secret Agent Training, the rest of the lessons and activities for the week are all based on secret agents and cracking codes and clues. The children will end the week with a certificate that they have passed their Secret Agent Training. (This doesn’t mean that they have ‘passed’ their SATS, purely that they have worked hard and done a great job during the week.)

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