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HIV in Ireland Quarter 1& Provisional Data 15th November 2017

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1 HIV in Ireland Quarter 1&2 2017 Provisional Data 15th November 2017

2 Key points 252 HIV notifications in Quarter 1& This is a 7% decrease compared to Q1& (n=272) Of HIV notifications in Q1&2 2017: - 74% (n= 186) male, 26% (n=66) female 39% (n=98) men who have sex with men (MSM) 17% (n=43) heterosexuals 2% (n=6) people who inject drugs (PWID) 1% (n=2) other (including MTCT) 41% (n=103) unknown - 29% (n=73) born outside Ireland, 22% (n=56) born in Ireland, 49% (n=123) unknown - 24% (n=61) previously diagnosed HIV positive in another country, 46% (n=117) unknown Note: Data are provisional and will change as further data are received from clinicians (57% of forms received up to 15th November 2017). 2016 provisional data

3 HIV notifications, quarter 1&2 2013 to quarter 1&2 2017
Note: Change in case definition (in Jan 2015 for HSE East and in Jan 2016 for all other HSE areas) resulted in more timely and increased number of notifications.

4 HIV notification rate, quarter 1&2 2013 to quarter 1&2 2017
Note: Change in case definition (in Jan 2015 for HSE East and in Jan 2016 for all other HSE areas) resulted in more timely and increased number of notifications.

5 HIV notifications by history of previous
diagnosis, quarter 1& to quarter 1&2 2017 Year and quarter of notification Notes: Data are provisional and will change as further data are received from clinicians (57% of forms received up to 15th November 2017). Change in case definition (in Jan 2015 for HSE East and in Jan 2016 for all other HSE areas) resulted in more timely and increased number of notifications.

6 HIV diagnoses by age group and sex, quarter 1&2 2017
Q1& provisional data

7 HIV notifications by probable route of transmission, quarter 1&2 2017
Q1& provisional data

8 HIV notifications by region of origin and probable route of transmission, quarter 1&2 2017
Q1& provisional data

9 HIV notification rate by HSE area, quarter 1&2 2015 to quarter 1&2 2017
Note: Change in case definition (in Jan 2015 for HSE East and in Jan 2016 for all other HSE areas) resulted in more timely and increased number of notifications.

10 HIV notifications by HSE area, quarter 1&2 2017
Number of diagnoses % of total East 175 69.4 Midlands 10 4.0 Midwest 11 4.4 Northeast 13 5.2 Northwest 2 0.8 Southeast South 23 9.1 West 8 3.2 Total 252 100.0 Q1& provisional data

11 Explanatory Notes Data for this report were extracted from CIDR on 15th November 2017 and were correct at the time of publication. It is important to note that: - the HIV surveillance system captures new diagnoses of HIV infection and therefore does not measure incidence. - persons newly diagnosed in Ireland may have been previously diagnosed with HIV in another country and are included in surveillance figures at first confirmatory test in Ireland. - data are presented by date of notification on CIDR (Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting) system Q1& Provisional Data

12 Further Information A detailed annual report on HIV in 2017 will be published in 2018 and will be available at Since 1st January, 2012, HIV cases have been reported on a weekly basis using CIDR. Weekly HIV and STI reports are available at Q1& Provisional Data

13 Acknowledgements We would  like to sincerely thank  all who provided data for this report; The National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL)  Microbiology Laboratories Departments of Public Health Consultants in Infectious Disease/Genitourinary Medicine STI clinic staff GPs and all other clinicians involved. Data on paediatric infections are provided by the Infectious Disease Unit, Our Lady’s Hospital for Children (OLHC), Crumlin.

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