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Stem List 1 .

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1 Stem List 1 

2 Antemeridian: Latin for “before midday”
Ante: Before Antemeridian: Latin for “before midday”

3 Antitoxin: An antibody that counteracts a toxin.
Anti: Against Antitoxin: An antibody that counteracts a toxin.

4 Binary: Relating to, composed of, or involving two things.
Bi: two Binary: Relating to, composed of, or involving two things. E.G: The binary code

5 Circumspect: cautious,
Circum: around Circumspect: cautious,

6 Com: together Combination: A selection of all or part of a set of objects without regard to the order in which objects are selected.

7 Con: together Contract: a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment.

8 Descent: an action of moving downward, dropping, or falling.
De: down Descent: an action of moving downward, dropping, or falling.

9 Dis: away Distraction: Preventing someone from giving full attention to something.

10 Equilateral: Having all its sides of the same length.
Equi: equal Equilateral: Having all its sides of the same length.

11 Extra: beyond Extraterrestrial: A hypothetical or fictional idea from outer space, especially an intelligent one.

12 Interstellar: occurring or situated between stars.
Inter: between Interstellar: occurring or situated between stars.

13 Intracellular: located or occurring within a cell or cells.
Intra: within Intracellular: located or occurring within a cell or cells.

14 Intro: into Introvert: A person whose motives and actions are directed inward. Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people.

15 Malevolent: having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
Mal: bad Malevolent: having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

16 Misdeed: a wicked or illegal act.
Mis: bad Misdeed: a wicked or illegal act.

17 Non: not Nonchalant: Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.

18 Post: after Postgraduate: Relating to a course of study undertaken after completing a first degree.

19 Pre: before Premonition: A strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.

20 Semiaquatic: An animal living party on land and partly in water.
Semi: half Semiaquatic: An animal living party on land and partly in water.

21 Subterranean: Existing, occurring, or done under the earth’s surface.
Sub: under Subterranean: Existing, occurring, or done under the earth’s surface.

22 Super: over Supernatural: A manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

23 Syn: together Syntax: The arrangement of words and phrases to create well- formed sentences in a language.

24 Symposium: A conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject.
Sym: together Symposium: A conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject.

25 Trichotomy: a division into three categories
Tri: three Trichotomy: a division into three categories

26 Unequivocal: Leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
Un: not Unequivocal: Leaving no doubt; unambiguous.

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