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Wednesday and Thursday complete with substitute. Mrs. Sherry,

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1 Wednesday and Thursday complete with substitute. Mrs. Sherry,
On Monday, February 20, 2017 Wednesday and Thursday complete with substitute. Mrs. Sherry, Please finish the two days on Wednesday. Please follow the lesson plans as closely as possible. Mday Edit, combine the bolded sentences, and put the last sentence in a better place. at the age of 65 Laura Ingalls wilder begun to share the tails of her childhood threw books With the help of her daughter rose who was a writer Yes Wilder found the voice to tell of her families struggles Laura said "It is still best to be honest and truthful to make the most of what we have, to be happy with simple plesures You should be chearful and have courage when things go wrong. She was born on February 7, Tday Edit, combine the bolded sentences, and draw a line through the line that does not belong. located in arizona grand Canyon national Park was established by the U.S. congress on February the Grand canyon is one of the worlds' natural wonders i just love the canyon At the bottom of the canyon is the colorado river. The river has fast running currents which cut through the layers of rock reach more than a mile above the river Though geologist's begain too study the area in 1858 there work still continues. Did you know that the dry climate of the canyon have preserved many fossils deep in it's caves Wday Edit, combine and restructure the bolded sentences, and draw a line through the line that does not belong. On february Bruce mcCandless II and robert L Stewart were the first astronauts on history to make untethered space walks. this means they walked with out being attached to anything During Space Shuttle mission STS-41B. they used equipment called MMUs (manned maneuvering units). The astronauts tested there MMUs before doing repair exercises out side the spacecraft four almost 6 hours. How could they go to the bathroom. Thday Edit, combine the bolded sentences, put the last sentence in a better place and draw a line through the line that does not belong. Did you know that if you were born on Febuary 29, you would only have a birthday once every fore year That’s because February 29 is part of the leap year. This is just too cool Normally February only has twenty-eigt days but every four years an extra day is added to the calender. Why do we need leap years Our calendar show how long it takes Earth to orbit the sun one time. this takes around 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds--or aproximately 365 1/4 days--to complete. Too make sure the calendar matches up with Earths orbit around the sun, we add a extra day every four years. 1

2 Post It –in paragraph form - Newspaper article. Due Tuesday
This is your assignment sheet. You are to have all of it completed by Friday. Send the Edits, Post It and Reading Response to me via . Name________________________________________________ Date ______________ Name of the book you are reading ___________________________________________ Post It –in paragraph form - Newspaper article. Due Tuesday Reading Response Newspaper article: Due Tuesday STAAR Due On Monday, February 20, 2017, My teacher said, “You have to write a story about a time some friends and you flew your planes.” You must use your writing strategies, slides 3,4, and 5. Hand in a rough draft to the sub on Friday. Due Friday 4 edits due Wednesday Visualization Due Monday and Tuesday 3 Newspaper summaries Due Tuesday 2

3 Writing Strategy 1 Think of all of the words you need for your writing.

4 Writing Strategy 2 Fill out this form after you do your vocabulary, Brainstorm. Writing Strategy 3: Use your own paper and write a rough draft.

Ask a question: 2 Create a declaration: 3 List three reasons why: 4 Combine & write your thesis: Step by Step Thesis Statement

6 Due Wednesday Modeling the Technique Close your eyes and see my words in pictures: While I read, close your eyes and listen carefully, I thought about the words and I imagined what the characters looked like, what they were doing, and what their surroundings were like. Stay alert and think about what happens in the story. See if you can imagine the scene the words describe. Pretend you are making a movie; what would you see from behind the camera? As you listen, when you hear describing words (adjectives) -- such as hot, red, musty, or quiet -- use those words to help paint pictures in your head. quote from Where the Wild Things Are: "That very night in Max's room a forest grew and grew and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around." I imagined a window with a moon shining through it. Saplings began to sprout and quickly grew leaves and stems. (The scene was like those time-lapse photography images you see on the Discovery Channel.) I saw little vines spreading their tendrils down the walls and across the ceiling. Before I knew it, the entire room was green and leafy, and much darker than before. 6

7 What does it feel like to be hot. What shade of red a tomato might be
What does it feel like to be hot? What shade of red a tomato might be. How musty gym socks smell when they've been in a locker for three days. Concrete ideas and connect to prior knowledge. This is the thought processes you need to use when you read. Think about what characters smell, taste, feel, hear, and think. Good readers do that. This technique will help them remember what the story is about. Sharing Visualizations After reading the selection, share your images. Emphasize that everyone's visualizations will differ. If your images do not fit the words, question your images and adjust them. (This is another effective comprehension strategy.) Create images that reflect the words, encourage your classmates comparison/contrast discussions. Does this remind you of anything in your life? What do you think the dog looked like? Do you have a dog? How do you think this dog is the same as yours? Different? 7

8 Draw pictures as I read a sentence or phrase. Due Monday

9 POST IT ON Newspaper-- Write in a paragraph. See past handouts.
DUE Thursday ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reading Response on your Newspaper. Write it Out in paragraph form from the graphic organizer, Read and Respond. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 Wednesday through Friday
Finish Your STAAR practice test When you have finished the STAAR practice test, Vocabulary from your book. Type it and sent it to me via on Thursday. CHAZ, from Houston, can happen. Finish All Of your handout today. Turn it in through .

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