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Second grade GSE Primary Source Documents

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1 Second grade GSE Primary Source Documents
Unit Four: Georgia Becomes a Colony

2 Who are these people? What role do they have in Georgia’s history?
SS2H1: Describe the lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia history Source: Wikipedia Who are these people? What role do they have in Georgia’s history?

3 Two early images thought to Be of Mary Musgrove
Public domain images

4 Analyzing a piece of art related to the Georgia colony
James Oglethorpe took Tomochichi, his nephew Toonahowi, and other Yamacraw back to England to meet the Georgia trustees. The trip was in July, 1734. William Verelst painted this group portrait. He was probably present at this meeting, since he would have had to sketch where everyone was standing or sitting. The painting included every individual’s face because the trustees shared the cost of the painting. They would have wanted their faces to show. Several had follow-up sittings for the artist. public domain, Wikimedia commons

5 What does this make you think? Where do you think is this located?
SS2G2: Describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with the historical figures in SS2H1 & SS2H2. Source: Wikipedia What does this make you think? Where do you think is this located?

6 A map of the Georgia colony from 1747
1747 Bowen map of the Southeastern U.S. (Carolina, Georgia, Florida) By [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

7 SS2E3: Explain that people usually use money to obtain the goods and services they want and explain how money makes trade easier than barter. Source: Wikipedia What is happening in this picture? How do you get the things you want and need?

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