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Workshop For External Examiners Joint Board of Teacher Education

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1 Improving the Quality of Examinations: Using the Table of Specifications
Workshop For External Examiners Joint Board of Teacher Education Medallion Hall Hotel, Kingston November 19, 2009 Professor Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI.

2 Importance of a Good Course Outline
Effective course assessment requires and depends on the design of a good syllabus or course outline that  provides a comprehensive statement to the student, teacher and other stakeholders about the nature and scope of the course Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

3 provides students and teachers with a clear statement of the expected outcomes of taking the course 
provides a clear understanding of what students who successfully complete the course should know and be able to do What students should know and be able to do should guide both instruction and assessment Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UEI

4 Development of Valid and Fair Assessments
Validity and fairness of assessment may be facilitated by approaches that make use of domain referenced assessment table of specifications tasks that are appropriate for the intended purpose Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

5 Domain Referenced Assessment
Domain referenced assessment is similar to criterion-referenced assessment, but focuses on a specified content domain It is designed to provide information on the extent to which students have mastered a specific content domain Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

6 The score on a domain referenced assessment is the proportion of items sampled from the domain which the student gets correct This score is extrapolated to the full domain thus allowing inferences about extent of mastery of the full domain Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

7 Table of Specifications
An important way of assuring validity of the test as a measure of the domain of inference is to use a subject matter by behaviour grid called a specifications table or a table of specifications The specifications table helps to define the weighting to be given to various subject matter and behaviours (or objectives or skills) Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

8 It provides a breakdown of the requirements of the test that is helpful in developing tests that are comparable and interchangeable It is a useful mechanism for developing items and questions that may be banked for use in future test construction Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

9 Example of a Table of Specifications
Cont Obj Kn Co Ap An Tot Classif of animals 2 4 - 10 Plants of the earth Pop and Evol 3 Var and Selec 1 5 Origin of Sol Sys Chan in Land Fea 6 Total 16 17 11 60

10 Tasks That Are Appropriate
Remember, it is important that the assessment instruments reflect the relative weighting attached to particular content and skills in the course outline In writing test tasks two critical indicators should be considered: the facility (or difficulty) index and the discrimination index Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

11 not part of the course or
In developing an assessment instrument, it is important to avoid including anything that was not part of the course or not taught - in the case of institutional assessment Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

12 This helps to improve the validity of the assessment of a course
Steps should be taken to optimise the benefits of coursework Coursework provides an opportunity to asses critical skills that should be developed during a course of study, but which cannot be easily measured by a written examination This helps to improve the validity of the assessment of a course Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

13 Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI
Coursework facilitates authentic assessment Authentic assessment focuses on the application of knowledge to real-life situations Authentic assessment requires the student to perform, or create or produce, something based on the curriculum END Prof. Stafford Griffith, IOE, UWI

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