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CLIC PMQ High-strength prototype

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1 CLIC PMQ High-strength prototype
Magnetic measurements Stage 1: Non-magnetic support Ben Shepherd May 2012

2 Non-magnetic test rig First phase of testing – no steel components (ballscrews / rails) PMs are moved in and out by hand, position fixed using plastic shims Field measurements carried out using movable Hall probe PM movement Aluminium frame Steel poles PMs

3 Gradient versus stroke
Consistently about 1.4T/m less than model Plastic shims inserted in various combinations Stroke range: mm 07 x scan.xlsx Shim Thickness.xlsx

4 08 xz scan.xlsx Gradient profile Measured gradient vs longitudinal position (x on the bench; z in the model) Matches the model with a 4.9mm offset

5 Gradient quality & comparison with model
Point-by-point measurements are noisy Fit cubic function to field Bfit = a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0 Then: G/G0 – 1 = (a3x2 + a2x) / a1 Created 2D model with asymmetry – moved top section down 0.4mm Distance between poles: 26.92mm Reproduce observed gradient quality (+2%) Needs some improvement... 0.4mm 12 x scan.xlsx

6 Integrated gradient (strength)
From central 10mm: IG0 = T Model value (integrated By at x=1mm from z= mm): T Measurement is ~1% lower

7 Force measurements Measure torque needed to turn ballscrew using torque wrench – convert into horizontal force Measurement precision – 2-5% At zero stroke: kN Modelled force at zero stroke ~17kN This mechanism pulls one side away first – could be reason for discrepancy

8 Attempt to ‘fix’ poles Pole misalignment is likely source of poor field quality Corroborated by physical measurements: inscribed diameter out by up to 0.23mm Took core section out to ‘re-set’ pole positions Set correctly, measured with CMM, dowelled in place Placed back in rig  same problem  Poles are moving (slightly) as PMs are brought in Decided to move on with assembly of complete magnet Poles should be much more rigidly held 27.03mm 27.26mm (nominal: 27.20mm)

9 Summary: measurements, phase 1
Gradient vs stroke Slightly lower than expected (1.4T/m difference) Difference less at high gradient – could be due to slight inward movement of poles Integrated gradient About 1% less than expected, but still within spec for 120% of CLIC nominal (14.4T) Field quality +2% in ±11.5mm – spec is ±0.1% in ±11.5mm Should be better for phase 2 Maximum force required to pull PMs out 12kN – model 17kN Discrepancy could be due to slight rotation of PMs

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