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Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Unit C3 Disability and Inclusion

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1 Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Unit C3 Disability and Inclusion
Side event advancing accessible and inclusive urban development for all: The EU experience Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Senior Expert Unit C3 Disability and Inclusion European Commission DG EMPL

2 Accessibility at EU level
UNCRPD - 18 EU legal acts relevant to accessibility EDS – 58 legal act relevant to accessibility Thematic: Built environment Transport ICT Public Procurement Structural Funds, Development Funds, Enlargement Antidiscrimination (under adoption)

3 Rights - > Non-discrimination -> equal access!!!!
Accessibility (following design for all) + Reasonable accommodation (assistive technologies, assistance)

4 Eurobarometer -66% respondents buy, or pay, more for accessibility
-94% agree that more money should be spent on eliminating physical obstacles -47% believe better accessibility would improve opportunities for industry to sell products to people with disabilities and the elderly. - 78% think common rules in the EU will make it easier for companies to operate in another EU country.

5 SME Panel -Extra costs of accessibility estimated less than 5% of production costs. -Companies that provide accessible goods and services 55% have increased their clientele as a result of improving the accessibility 39% have experienced increases in their financial benefits -50% agree that they could more easily benefit from the internal market if accessibility requirements were harmonised at the EU level. -74% would find the adoption of EU standards useful, setting out accessibility requirements.

6 Accessibility related standardization work at EU level
-Mandate 376: Accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain -Mandate 420: Accessibility requirements for public procurement in the Built Environment (including transport infrastructures) -Mandate 473 to include Accessibility following Design For All in relevant standardization activities Others…..

7 Policy and legal instruments
-Legislation -Requirements of accessibility in funds -Research -Training -Accessibility resources -Awards

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