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Strategies for Helping English Language Learners Achieve Core Standards in Content Areas: A Road Map to Academic Success MABE 2012 Presenters: Suzy.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Helping English Language Learners Achieve Core Standards in Content Areas: A Road Map to Academic Success MABE 2012 Presenters: Suzy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Helping English Language Learners Achieve Core Standards in Content Areas: A Road Map to Academic Success MABE Presenters: Suzy Khoury & Ariel Rodriguez Pena

2 Objectives: To provide a guide to understanding the most recognized research-based strategies for helping English Language Learners (ELLs) achieve core standards in content areas. To demonstrate critical successful strategies that are commonly implemented in mainstream classroom settings by completing a group task involving a brainstorming session.

3 What does learning a foreign language actually entail?
Acquiring a language is: Learning skills, not a body of information. Understanding ideas and concepts, and having information at hand. Practicing and comprehensively using that information in all language domains. Hinkel, Eli (2011)

4 What is content-based instruction?
The contemporary approach to second language acquisition aimed at bridging the gap between the traditional English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum and the development of academic proficiencies will definitely have an encouraging effect on the education of ELLs. Picture taken from the Rigby Series

5 When is a learner proficient in the target language?
“In education we can classify the uses of language into two dimensions: the social dimension and the academic dimension”. The development of social/conversational language skills is not sufficient to ensure success in the academic environment. However, social English and academic English are not separate. Cummins (1981)

6 Most frequent challenges that ELLs face when learning to read material in English
Density of unfamiliar vocabulary. Grammar usage especially the "exceptions to the rules". Use of mechanics of writing and punctuation marks. Word order, sentence structure and syntax. Difficult text structure with a topic sentence, supporting details and conclusion. Unfamiliarity with predicting outcomes, inferring meaning, drawing conclusions, and summarizing.

7 Most frequent challenges that ELLs face when learning Mathematics
Formation of numbers and use of decimal point and comma varies from culture to culture. Students have no experience with U.S. measurement system. Students learn math by rote memory. Math curricula in their countries may be primarily calculation. Estimating, rounding, and geometry are not often taught as early in other cultures. Mathematical terms do not always translate well. Mental math may be the norm. Students may not show work in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

8 Most frequent challenges that ELLs will come across when studying Science
Unfamiliar science vocabulary. Even simple words that the student may know could have another meaning in science. Directions are often multistep and hard to understand. There are too many concepts explained on each lesson. Cooperative learning may not fit in with ELLs experiences in learning. Visuals may be confusing and difficult to understand. ELLs are not used to science labs or equipment.

9 Most frequent challenges that ELLs are exposed to when learning Social Studies
Use of higher level thinking skills for reading and writing. Lack of familiarity with historical terms, government processes, and vocabulary. Social Studies texts contain complex sentences, passive voice, and extensive use of pronouns. ELLs may not be used to expressing their personal opinions. Concepts which do not exist in all cultures are difficult. This includes privacy, democratic processes, rights of citizens, free will. Amount of text covered and the ELLs' inability to tell what is important in the text and what is not important.

10 How can you help ELLs achieve success in academic areas?
Set goals for instruction. Use different grouping techniques. Provide comprehensible input. Scaffold instruction. Utilize inquiry-based learning. Make the language of instruction simpler, not the concept being taught.

11 Brainstorming Session
Think of a lesson that you have recently taught in which you incorporated these strategies. In your group, share your ideas and present a 5 minute oral demonstration for the workshop audience.

12 Strategies for Helping English Language Learners Achieve Core Standards in Content Areas
Assess the learners' listening comprehension skills. Train the learners to use learning strategies. Build background knowledge before teaching the lesson. Present content area terms using several introduction techniques. Present materials in a clear, concise, comprehensible approach. Use technology effectively. Create a risk-free, anxiety-free environment. Prepare comprehensive lessons. Research the students' backgrounds.


14 Up against a wall…

15 Up against the wall no more

16 References: Brown, H.D. (1994)Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. Calderon, Margarita (2011). Preventing Long-term ELs: Transforming Schools to Meet Core Standards. Corwin, CA. Cummins, J. (1981) The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students. In California State Department of Education (Ed.), Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework. Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center, California State University, Los Angeles. Hinkel, Eli. (2011) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Volume II. Routledge, NY. Lund, R.J. (1990).A taxonomy for teaching second language listening. Foreign Language Annals, 23, Rivers, W.M. (1981) Teaching foreign language skills (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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