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Marek Frankowicz SLO 3 program lo.

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1 Marek Frankowicz SLO 3 program lo

2 Nobody is an island… Two basic cases
There exist national standards, qualification frameworks etc. Examples: UK: Subject Benchmark Statements PL: Sectoral QF IE: Domain-specific awards standards (e.g. Sciences) There are no national standards Besides: International standards/guidelines TUNING Professional standards

3 What to do? If there are national regulations: they are starting poinf for writing program LO (they usually determine part of LO, sub-divide them into categories etc.) If there are no national regulations: start from international standards and guidelines

4 The format of program description
Good example: TUNING Guide to Formulating Degree Profiles The template: General information on the programme and 6 sections Purpose Characteristics Employability & Further Education Education Style Program Competences Complete list of program learning outcomes

5 How to group lo? LO are often divided into 3 categories:
Knowledge Skills Personal & social competences/attitudes Another possibility: Generic Subject-specific

6 Practical work: Formulate program LO: Knowledge (about 10-20)
Skills (about 10-20, divide into subject-specific and generic skills) Attitudes (5 to 10)

7 Some hints Ask yourself:
What do you want students to be able to do? What do you wand students to know? What do you want students to appreciate/value? Take into account issues of global significance: students shall Inwestigate the world Recognize perspectives Communicate ideas Take action

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