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Coccidiosis in poultry

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1 Coccidiosis in poultry
Dr. Latif Ahmad (DVM-PhD), Assistant Professor, HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

2 Coccidiosis Introduction
Coccidiosis is one of the most important diseases of poultry worldwide. Locally, it is a serious problem and one of the biggest causes of economic losses. Mostly dis. of young birds. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

3 A multifactorial approach to coccidiosis: most common conditions that facilitate the development of disease. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

4 However, PM exams necessary to confirm Dx.
Coccidiosis It mostly occurs in rainy season, and is characterized by bloody diarrhoea and high mortality. The presence of faeces with blood, dysentery, or diarrhoea suggests coccidiosis. However, PM exams necessary to confirm Dx. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

5 Coccidiosis is mainly of two types
Caecal coccidiosis: Caeca are greatly enlarged and markedly distended with blood Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

6 Coccidiosis is mainly of two types
Whereas small intestine distended with blood confirms INTESTINAL COCCIDIOSIS. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

7 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

8 Caecal coccidiosis Caecal coccidiosis is mainly caused by E. tenella in chickens up to 12 wks. Inf. birds are listless with bloody droppings, pale comb & lack of appetite. Lab. exam. shows haem. in caecal wall. After severe bleeding a core will be formed in lumen. Mortality upto50 %. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

9 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

10 Caecal coccidiosis in a 45-day-old cockerel.
See the yellowish discoloration of its BEAK, COMB, and LEGS. Note the bird is emaciated and anaemic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD

11 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi
Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD

12 Caeca are now cut open to reveal the presence of clotted blood.
Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

13 Small intestinal coccidiosis
Small intestinal coccidiosis may be caused by E. maxima, E. necatrix E. acervulina, E. brunetti, Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

14 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

15 COCCODIOSIS Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi
Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

16 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

17 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria Acervulina
E. Acervulina affects birds of any age. Loss of weight Combs may be shriveled and E. acervulina is not normally very pathogenic, but in some cases considerable mortality may be seen. A drop or even cessation of egg production in layers. Birds infected show Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

18 Shriveled combs may be seen in Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria Acervulina
Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

19 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria Acervulina
At necropsy, Haemorrhagic lesions of E. acervulina are seen throughout the upper portion of the affected intestine and Grey or whitish patches may be present. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

20 Intestinal coccidiosis: The affected portion of the small intestine reveal the presence of clotted blood. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

21 Intestinal coccidiosis: Affected portion of the small intestine revealing clotted blood is shown differently. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

22 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria brunetti
E. Brunetti may affect birds of any age. E. brunetti is definitely pathogenic. In severe infections mortality can be high. Birds infected show emaciation and diarrhoea. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

23 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria brunetti
At necropsy: A white cheese-like material is found in the lumen of the lower intestine and rectum. The caeca and cloaca are inflamed. The gut wall is thickened. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

24 Combined quail dis./ulcerative enteritis & Eimeria brunetti coccidial inf. in intes. of chicken.
Note small ulcers in ceca & rectum. Diphtheritic membrane is due to coccidial infection Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

25 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria maxima
E. maxima may affect birds of any age. E. maxima is less pathogenic than E. acervulina, necatrix and brunetti, mortality is generally low. Diarrhoea, loss of weight and a drop in egg production of layers, will be seen; bloody droppings are common. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

26 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria maxima
At necropsy: The gut is filled with thick mucus, the color of which may be: The lower portion of the small intestine is dilated and the wall is thickened; Grayish, Brownish or Pinkish. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

27 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria necatrix
Mainly in chickens up to 4 months of age. E. necratrix is very pathogenic. Infection with E. necratrix may result in a two stage clinical outbreak of coccidiosis. In the acute stage mortality may be high in the first week after infection. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

28 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria necatrix
In the chronic stage, following important features can be observed: Blood in droppings, Birds listless & lose wt. In layers, drop in egg prod. be observed. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

29 Intestinal Coccidiosis by Eimeria necatrix
At necropsy: Unopened intestine looks spotty, white areas (schizonts) intermingled with bright or dull red spots (haemorrhages) will be observed. Middle portion of intestine is affected, haem. will be seen. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

30 Small intestine greatly enlarged & distended with blood
Intestinal coccidiosis in 10-wk-old grower chicken caused by E. necatrix. Small intestine greatly enlarged & distended with blood Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

31 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

32 Microscopic Diagnosis of Coccidiosis
Observe & note sub-serosa before incising intestine. Make wet mount smears of mucosal scrapings from various segments of intestine & cecal contents & examine directly under m/s: Suspended oocysts & merozoites & Stages undergoing development in epi cells – tissue stages Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

33 Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

34 Coccidia of Tureky Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

35 Coccidiostats for prevention
Practice to include low levels of chemotherapeutics in feed of birds. These chemicals are referred to as coccidiostats & as such keep in check development of p/s so that a pathological situation does not develop. However, coccidia can develop a resistance to all chemicals so far used for this purpose & so it is necessary to change from one chemical to another periodically. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

36 Coccidiostats for Treatment
Rx of infected flocks may be carried out by administration of coccidiostats at a higher therapeutic level to affected birds. There are certain products available which are specifically designed for Rx & which are not satisfactory for prevention. These chemicals are sometimes referred to as coccidiocidal agents. Whenever administering these products, particular attention should be paid to dosage recommendation of manufacturer. Dr. Latif Ahmad HOD Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-BMU, Karachi

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