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Business Organizations

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Presentation on theme: "Business Organizations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Organizations

2 Sole Proprietorship Small business owned by one person
Advantage- be your own boss Disadvantage- borrow money for business expense Examples?

3 Partnership Small business with two or more people share responsibilities More people in control and run business Examples?

4 Corporation Large businesses Important to the economy
Permanent- still exist after the owner dies Examples?

5 How Corporations Function
Raising money Sell stock- shares of ownership Stockholders- people who own corporate stock Dividends- corporate profits paid to stockholders


7 How Corporations Function
Right to operate Must get approval from state to operate Elected directors- stockholders elect directors of the corporation

8 How Corporations Function
Choosing executives- board of directors choose officers Debt responsibility- if business fails everything sold, stockholders and executives do not pay debt

9 Nonprofit Organizations
Do not earn profit for stockholders Make enough money to sustain business ex. Charities, research associations, educational programs

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