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ABOUT NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES COMPANY OVERVIEW. ABOUT NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Over 40 years of experience in environmental consulting One of the largest,

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Presentation on theme: "ABOUT NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES COMPANY OVERVIEW. ABOUT NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Over 40 years of experience in environmental consulting One of the largest,"— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Over 40 years of experience in environmental consulting One of the largest, most well-known natural resources management companies in the U.S. (EBJ) Recognized ability to tackle large, complex projects Known for technical excellence and quality service 70% of our business is repeat USACE experience –Huntington, New England, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Walla Walla Employee owned since 2000!


4 KEY NORMANDEAU MARKETS Federal agencies Energy Transportation State agencies Coastal development Regional –Recreation –Private sector development –Municipal –Industrial We qualify as a small business under NAICS code 541712 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences. Other NAICS codes include: 541620 Environmental Consulting Services and 541690 Other Scientific & Technical Consulting Services.

5 RELEVANT TECHNICAL STAFF EXPERTISE Over 250 employees in 11 states Highly credentialed staff –Wetland Scientists –Civil Engineers –Wildlife Biologists –Soil Scientists –Fisheries Biologists –Environmental Technicians

6 TECHNICAL GROUPS AND DISCIPLINES Terrestrial / Wetlands / Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

7 WETLANDS ASSESSMENTS One of the largest, most capable wetlands permitting staff in Mid-Atlantic and Northeast –Additional 100+ environmental professionals Staff Certifications –Professional and State Wetlands Scientists –Soil Scientist Certifications Sample Projects –Bell Bend Environmental Investigation and Impact Reports –Wetland Confirmation and Regulatory Support for 300± Mile Electric Transmission Line

8 STREAM CROSSINGS AND AQUATIC BIOTA Over 36 aquatic and fisheries biologists Certified for endangered mussels by US Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Conduct Section 7 and Section 10 consultations Sample Projects –Wadesville Mine Pool and Point Pleasant –Diversion Project –Sugarhouse Casino –Ecological Studies on Swiftwater Creek –National Resource Damage Assessment – Delaware River –Ecological and Stream Survey Old Esopus Creek –Oyster Creek / Barnegat Bay

9 WILDLIFE, PLANT, RARE SPECIES AND COMMUNITIES Masters and PhD level scientists Staff expertise with rare, threatened and endangered species, and plant and wildlife assessments such as: –Allegheny Woodrat –Small Whorled Pogonia –Swamp Pink –Swainson’s Thrush –Bald Eagles –Indiana Bat Mist Netting –Spadefoot Toad –Karner Blue Butterfly –Bog & Red-Bellied Turtles –Dragonflies –Sturgeon, Salmon –Atlantic White Cedar Swamp –Black Bears

10 BAT ACOUSTIC MONITORING ReBAT ™ Remote Bat Acoustic patented technology Integrated acoustic monitoring system for bats with reliable species identification Customizable data transmission solutions, integrated thermal management, flexible configurations Sample Projects –Acoustic Monitoring of Temporal and Spatial Abundance of Birds and Bats Near OCS Structures, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM, formerly Minerals Management Service) –Seabird Field Research, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Alaska) –Critical Issue Analysis for Energy clients – endangered species, birds, bats

11 Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES

12 MARINE SERVICES Environmental Impact Assessment Coastal Wetland Assessments Scientific Dive Surveys Marine Sediment Sampling and Testing Essential Fish Habitat Assessments Dredging and Disposal Evaluations and Permitting Section 7 Consultations

13 MARINE FIELD SERVICES Sediment / Dredge Materials Characterization Studies –Sediment coring and grab sampling –Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) –Side Scan Sonar –Sediment Profiling –Bathymetry Collection and Characterization of Marine Species –Benthic macro invertebrates, Shellfish, Ichthyoplankton, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Aquatic Plants Remote Methods –Hydroacoustics –Sediment Profile Cameras –Video Characterizations –Dive Surveys

14 LNG / GAS SITING AND OFF-SHORE / ON-SHORE WIND LNG and Pipeline –Northeast Gateway LNG Offshore Port Project (MA) –Duke Power HubLine pipeline siting and construction monitoring (MA) –Calais LNG Terminal Project (ME) –Safe Harbor LNG DWP (NY) –Neptune LNG (MA) On / Off-Shore Wind –Iberdrola –Gamesa –First Wind –Blue Water Wind –BOEM

15 TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

16 WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENTS AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Water resources specialists Environmental engineers Hydrologists Conduct assessments of water quality, turbidity and stormwater –Hydropower –Nuclear and fossil power plant outfalls –Municipal CSO outfalls

17 TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

18 FISHERIES AND AQUATICS Active Hydroacoustics –Natural resources management –Hydropower –Coastal nuclear and fossil fuel energy –Offshore renewable energy –Ports, waterways, coastal development Technologies include –DIDSON –Single-beam, multi beam echosounders –Side scan sonar –Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) –Acoustic Telemetry Patented Technology –Hi-Z Turb’N Tag ®

19 TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

20 HYDROLOGY AND GEOLOGY Groundwater Monitoring and Modeling – Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) Soil Characterizations Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments –The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) – Landfill Monitoring Geological Investigations Stream Restoration Wetland Restoration

21 TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

22 BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES Three of the largest biological laboratories on the east coast –Pennsylvania –New Hampshire –Massachusetts Sample Analysis –Ichthyoplankton, Zooplankton and Phytoplankton –Freshwater, Estuarine and Marine Benthic Macro Invertebrates –Benthos, Algae, Periphyton and Stomach Content Analysis –Fish Age and Growth

23 VESSELS AND EQUIPMENT Sampling and survey vessels –37 foot trawler –(2) 42 foot vessels –(5) 25 foot Privateers –24 foot Maritime –DGPS, LORAN C VHF radios, electronic depth finders, deployment booms, davits and winches –21 foot and 19 foot work boats –4 electrofishing boats –2 vibracoring / work barges –Inflatable boats –Canoes Vast array of sampling equipment Scientific Dive Team

24 TECHNICAL GROUPS/DISCIPLINES Terrestrial /Wetlands /Wildlife Marine Sciences Water Resources Fisheries and Aquatics Hydrology and Geology Biological Laboratories and Field Equipment Public Involvement

25 SERVICES Strategic planning and communication Government Affairs Agency coordination Community development and outreach Policy development Event planning and meeting coordination Facilitation and mediation Stakeholder relations Graphic design and copywriting Web site development

26 IN SUMMARY Over 40 years of environmental consulting experience nationwide Located in 20 offices in 11 states Client satisfaction: over 70% of our business yearly derived from repeat clients Highly credentialed scientists and project managers with extensive experience Well-known to Federal and state agencies for our scientific credibility

27 New Hampshire – Bedford, Hampton, Portsmouth, Westmoreland California – Arcata Connecticut – North Haven Delaware – Lewes Florida – Gainesville Maine – Falmouth Massachusetts – Falmouth New York – West Haverstraw, Oswego Pennsylvania – Drumore, Stowe South Carolina – Aiken, Moncks Corner Washington – Seattle, Stevenson, Vancouver, Wenatchee ◊ Corporate Office 25 Nashua Rd, Bedford, NH 03110 ◊ (603) 472-5191 ◊ NORMANDEAU OFFICE LOCATIONS

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