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Who is responsible for your marketing? May 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Who is responsible for your marketing? May 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is responsible for your email marketing? May 2013

2 Who is responsible for your email marketing?
The people in this room? The communications team? The press office? Marketing? Campaign teams?

3 Some questions How many s does your organisation send out every day? Do you know who sent them out? Have your asked your IT department how many s went out from your mail server in the last: week month year

4 What emails do your colleagues send out?
Do you know how many s were sent out by your colleagues in: Press office policy teams HR department procurement Which signature is being used in all these s? A local team address, a cross-organisation name?

5 What emails do suppliers send out your behalf?
Do you have companies running surveys on your behalf? What about direct mail campaigns? Or job boards sending from their database to potential recruits When was the last time you saw what they sent out on your behalf?

6 What other systems exist?
Do you have CRM system and does it generate s? Do you have alerts such as Govdelivery? Are there any other systems?

7 Work related emails from colleagues
How many? Work related s from colleagues Policy teams Marketing team s Press office alerts Survey s Campaign s Recruitment s

8 House style So what is your house style?
Can anyone here tell me what their house style is? Do you cross sell your other channels? Do you cross sell your products? So which is the right: logo? signature? team name?

9 What about our personal behaviour?
Have you ever sent s from your personal address such as Gmail? If you have done this is it likely that your colleagues have done the same? What do you think this says about your organisation?

10 Some questions So who is responsible for marketing in your organisation? Who has oversight of all these s? Who makes sure that they are consistent and project a similar brand message? Is it your marketing team? The press office?

11 Potential solutions Do we need a plan to:
identify all the senders of s review these messages for common features create an agreed template agree some common messages/cross selling measure monitor improve

12 In conclusion So we might all have marketing departments….
or a CRM system and we certainly have a lot of s but…. perhaps we are all responsible for our organisations’ marketing?

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