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All Students Meeting May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "All Students Meeting May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Students Meeting May 2017

2 Previous Students Meeting
Approval of minutes required.

3 Trustees Report

4 Finance Report

5 Finance Report The UCSU is a Charity
registered with the Charity Commission and is a separate legal entity to the University

6 We have a number of statutory duties and obligations to comply with:
Finance Report We have a number of statutory duties and obligations to comply with: Health & safety, Dealing with HMRC Creating our own annual accounts/financial statements Having our accounts audited

7 Our financial year runs from
Finance Report Our financial year runs from 1st August – 31st July. The financial year closed with a deficit of £1,221 after an additional under-write from the University of £39,340. Despite being a deficit this is a good result as we had budgeted for a deficit (after the under-write) of approx. £40K

8 Finance Report Due to changes in accounting requirements under FRS (Financial Reporting Standard) 102 The way we have to recognise pension deficits and holiday pay Our accounts for the year ending were re-stated The Union is now in an overall deficit (net liability) position. This is not of particular concern as we have recognised almost £200K of pension liability and is what is known as a non cash adjustment.

9 Finance Report Clubs and societies do not loose any money that they have left at the end of the year All funds are carried across to the next year as long as the club/society remains active.

10 Central Income Expenditure
We have negotiated a Block Grant from the University of £300,000 for the year 2016/17 plus the safety bus subsididy. A full copy of the accounts is available on the Charity Commission website Expenditure NUS Extra Cards & Website and Advertising costs - £57K Safety Bus - £65K = (maintenance, depreciation, salaries)


12 Appointment of Auditors
Crowe Clark Whitehill have been our appointed auditors for over 10 years. We have spoken with the partners at Crowe Clark Whitehill and are satisfied there is sufficient independence and therefore no issue with continuing our audit relationship. We propose that the Union re-appoints Crowe Clark Whitehill as auditors for a further year.

13 Motions

14 Affiliation to NUS Speech for: SU President, Luke Sheavyn
Speech Against: Open

15 Affiliation to BUCS Speech for: SU President, Luke Sheavyn
Speech Against: Open

16 Change of music policy at Zee Bar and The Hub
Speech for: SU Vice President Welfare, Pauline Stephenson Speech Against: Open

17 Any Other Business

18 Date of Next Meeting

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