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Mikhail Chupilko, Alexander Protsenko

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Presentation on theme: "Mikhail Chupilko, Alexander Protsenko"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mikhail Chupilko, Alexander Protsenko
Recognition and Explanation of Incorrect Behavior in Simulation-Based Hardware Verification Mikhail Chupilko, Alexander Protsenko

2 Outline Development of hardware models Test system architecture
Establishing of conformance Trace event recombination Examples Conclusion

3 Hardware model design They are developed in Hardware Description Languages, like Verilog or VHDL The result of development is the program being executed in HDL simulator The common approach for verification of hardware models is testing of HDL programs To automatize testing is possible by means of executable models (e.g. in C++)

4 HDL programs input S; CLK output R1, R2; void design() { S
while(true) { wait(S); delay(6); R1 = 1; delay(1); R1 = 0; R2 = 1; R2 = 0; } CLK S R1 R2 6 cycles Parallel assignments

5 Hardware model behavior

6 Reference model-based test oracle
HDL Test oracle Reference model Reference model reactions Reaction arbiters Input interface adapters Output interface adapters Stimuli Reaction comparators HDL-model reactions

7 Typical representation of verification results
Data on so-and-so wire are not correct, the correct data are… More advanced: data in so-and-so packet generated on so-and-so step are not valid… The most advanced: data in so-and-so packet should be received on the following cycle, but they were confused with the following packet…

8 Example of the bug found
0xf953e8d83a9b9209  0x19c3827ab2920e58 0x19c3827ab2920e58  0xf953e8d83a9b9209 8

9 Reference model-based test oracle
HDL Test oracle Reference model Reference model reactions Reaction arbiters Input interface adapters Output interface adapters Stimuli Reaction comparators HDL-model reactions Diagnostics subsystem

10 Conformance reaction checking
If there is a rearrangement of reference model reactions, where properties of data, iface equality and time restrictions are satisfied

11 If there is a problem…

12 Simplified diagnostics process based on trace of reactions

13 Recombination of reactions with requirement of total equal in data
(null, null) -> remove the pair; (x, x) -> (null, null); {(x, y), (y, x)} -> {(x, x), (y, y)}; {(x, null), (null, x)} -> (x, x); {(x, y), (y, null)} -> {(x, null), (y, y)}; {(x, y), (null, x)} -> {(x, x), (null, y)}; {(x, z), (y, x)} -> {(x, x), (y, z)};

14 Recombination of reactions with requirement of partial equal in data
{(x, y), (y`, x`)} -> {(x, x`), (y`, y)}; {(x, null), (null, x`)} -> (x, x`); {(x, y`), (y, null)} -> {(x, null), (y, y`)}; {(x, y), (null, x`)} -> {(x, x`), (null, y)}; (x, x`) -> (null, null).

15 Example-1

16 Example-2 Part of trace in text form Table with recombination
[INCORRECT](iface=output_mau cycle=107): Incorrect reaction: Msg{spec=MAU_pha(0xb0418b0f), impl=MAU_pha(0x96e7741c)}, Msg{spec=MAU_dst_pha(0x6), impl=MAU_dst_pha(0)} expected at [107,157] [INCORRECT](iface=output_mau cycle=105): Incorrect reaction: Msg{spec=MAU_pha(0x96e7741c), impl=MAU_pha(0xb0418b10)}, Msg{spec=MAU_dst_pha(0), impl=MAU_dst_pha(0x6)} expected at [105,155] [INCORRECT](iface=output_mau cycle=98): Incorrect reaction: Msg{spec=MAU_pha(0x5bf9a01e4), impl=MAU_pha(0xb0418b0f)}, Msg{spec=MAU_dst_pha(0x3), impl=MAU_dst_pha(0x6)} expected at [98,148] Table with recombination Explanation based on history of applied rules of recombination

17 C++TESK Testing ToolKit

18 Conclusion Better representation of verification results means less efforts for their interpretation Application of the rule set allow to regroup reaction pairs finding possible hint of what is going bad in the system behavior The method has been implemented in C++TESK Testing ToolKit and has been successfully used in a number of projects Future research is connected with showing of history usage in diagnostics and/or giving hints to localization of bugs

19 THANK YOU Any questions?

20 Example-3

21 Example-4

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