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Campfire News Week of 8/1/16 Around the Campfire DAILY HOMEWORK

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1 Campfire News Week of 8/1/16 Around the Campfire DAILY HOMEWORK
Mrs. Miller LEARNING GOALS Spalding: Learn/review 30 phonograms * Participate in daily oral and written phonogram reviews Learn/review 30 spelling words Learn spelling dictation and spelling notebook Reading:: Read Story “Henry and Mudge” Review Subject-Predicate Learn reading center procedures Writing: Draft, edit, and publish letter to classmate. Saxon math: Math meeting procedures Time to the minute Data bar graph 2 digit numbers Time to the half hour Continue with Keys to Success Activities Room 12 CAMP BINDERS: Each student has a CAMP binder that stores all homework, home-school communication, Keys to Success chart and homework references/guides. This comes to school everyday. Please make sure it stays neat and tidy. SPALDING INFORMATION: Please order phonogram cards to assist with your child’s homework. You can finds these materials at Around the Campfire DAILY HOMEWORK Your child has his/her own homework cover sheet along with Spalding/Saxon homework. Please read the CAMP binder tabs for specific directions on completing homework as well as important reference materials. Please sign and record minutes read on cover sheet of daily homework. This signature shows that you reviewed homework for accuracy and neatness The students had a great first week back to school. We focused on procedures and routines. Thank you to all the families who donated supplies!!! These are very much appreciated!

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