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Virtualization Cloud and Fedora

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Presentation on theme: "Virtualization Cloud and Fedora"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtualization Cloud and Fedora
Target: FUDCon Boston 2009 Version: 1.0 Contact: Topics on performance tuning and web applications. Mike McGrath Fedora Infrastructure

2 What is a cloud? Cloud – An abstraction layer for virtual cpus and storage resources. Does not imply cluster Primary virtualization technology is KVM Management software is oVirt

3 Who can use it and what for?
Fedora users and contributors via group signup Access controlled by group in FAS Uses include Testing Proof of concepts Clustered environments General Hosting (non production)

4 Fedora Ecosystem Paid for by Red Hat
Fedora Infrastructure Team runs it Close coordination with oVirt team Use cases outside of Fedora

5 Basic Overview Commodity computing 5 x3550's with total of 80G RAM
Commodity storage 2 x3650's Focus on self management Assigned hardware resources

6 Storage Abstract: It's just an iscsi share
Two servers for backup / redundancy Not highly available (yet) About 4T of usable storage Divided up using LVM Cheap!

7 Storage Continued Lets hope I have something to write on.
Software raid LVM Provides 'live' backup, and can correct for many accidents

8 Storage Continued Failure scenarios 'immediate pause' OS Differences
Recovery options Future plans More expensive solutions It's just an iscsi share

9 Computational Servers (nodes)
x3550 1U servers 16-32G ram 2 quad core processors Low or no disks Dedicated management/storage network Dedicated guest network Unused nics for future expansion Remote RSAII access and console access

10 Node Operating system Probably diskless PXEBoot from storage servers
Issues with bootstrap Based on Fedora 10 An appliance Support questions (what happens when we call for broken hardware)

11 Node / Storage interaction
iscsi mount LVM Poor mans clvm Controlled by oVirt (more later) Tweaks Root fs specific replacement_timeout

12 oVirt Based around libvirt Currently in a prerelease
Web based interface

13 oVirt Appliance / Web Interface
Runs in its own VM (right now) Authentication against FAS via mod_auth_pgsql and groups Admin logins User logins Remote management Basic hardware control of a users pool

14 Day to Day Live migration for low downtime Appliance image updates
Monitoring Puppet

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