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Karate Goju Ryu Caleb Hinz.

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Presentation on theme: "Karate Goju Ryu Caleb Hinz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karate Goju Ryu Caleb Hinz

2 Karate Form of self defense 2

3 Translation of Goju Ryu?
Go= Hard Ju= Soft Ryu= school

4 Unbroken line Passed down from generation to generation
Goju ryu passing Unbroken line Passed down from generation to generation father son 4

5 Founded 1930's Miyagi Chojun

6 Formed Okinawan karate techniques and Chinese Kempo techniques

7 1 – 10 in japanese Roku = 6 Ichi = 1 Schichi Ni = 2 Hachi = 8 San = 3
Ju = 10 Ichi = 1 Ni = 2 San = 3 Shi = 4 Go = 5

8 Karate Building Dojo

9 Karate teacher Sensei

10 Karate Master Renshi

11 Karate Uniform Gi

12 Idea of hard and soft Soft blocking Hard strike Not hard on hard

13 Strengthening body and mind
Emphasis's Strengthening body and mind


15 What does Goju mean in Japanese ?
Hard and soft

16 When was the year Goju ryu karate founded ?

17 Is the passing of Goju Ryu unbroken or broken?

18 What do you call a karate teacher?

19 What is the karate uniform called?

20 What does Goju mean in Japanese ?
Hard and soft

21 References (2012) What is Goju-Ryu Karate?. Retrieved march 29, 2012, from ryu-karate (2008) Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts. Retrieved march 29, 2012, from

22 (2008) Goju Ryu. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from http://www
(2012) Okinawa Island - Japan. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from (2012) Goju Ryu Karate. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from (2012) Goju Ryu Karate. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from

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